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Closure of Teya app


Please be aware that the University catering outlets will discontinue the use of the Teya (formerly YOYO) app on Saturday 24 February 2024.

Our Catering Team is currently sourcing a new app or customer loyalty scheme to replace Teya (formerly YOYO) which is used to collect catering points at the University. The Team will share the details of this once they are confirmed. 

You can still pay with Teya up until Saturday 24 February, however, please be mindful that any acquired points will be lost after this date. 

The decision to discontinue Teya has been made by our Catering Team based on a lack of support with University promotions which include deals for customers. 

Our Catering and Campus Store team said: "Please keep a look out for future loyalty schemes and thank you for your continued support."

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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