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International Student Update: Return to studies and updating your contact details

International Student Update: Return to studies and updating your contact details

Please be aware that this information was shared with students by email and correct at the time of sending. For the latest Covid-19 guidance, please visit our coronavirus webpages: If you are a student who has a query or needs support, please log a helpcall with ASK@WLV in e:Vision (

I hope that you are safe and well and enjoyed the Christmas break. Due to government guidelines, all Postgraduate teaching starting from the 4 January 2021 will be delivered online with Undergraduate classes starting online from the 25 January 2021.  Please monitor your Canvas account and also your WLV email account frequently for the latest updates as the situation is quickly changing.

During this time it is very important that you engage with your online studies, your attendance is monitored at every online session.   If you do not attend, the University will remove its sponsorship which will result in you having to return to your home country.

University buildings are open with access to computers and wifi available to all students. If you do not have access to a laptop or wifi then you should utilise these facilities. There are also a limited number of loan laptops, that are available to students so you can work from home, which can be obtained from the library. 

The government requires all students to undertake a rapid flow test when returning to campus. More information about these tests is available in a recent Student Update available to view here.

Can I please remind you again to monitor your WLV email account frequently and to update the information the University holds, including your latest phone number and term time address. To do this, please use the edit buttons found on the 'My Details' section on eVision.

Over the coming days, you will receive a welfare call as part of our commitment to supporting you through this difficult time and to answer any questions you might have. Please use this opportunity to let us know how you are and if there is anything more we can do to support you.

Visit our dedicated Covid-19 webpages for information on how you can stay safe and help protect our University community during the pandemic. This includes information on our Covid-19 Reporting Procedures and the latest guidance on local tier restrictions.

Happy New Year.

Tim Steele

Pro Vice-Chancellor

Global Opportunities

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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