Call for Proposals: World Class Day 7: A Virtual Celebration of Students’ Research
Undergraduate students are invited to submit their research work for a virtual worldwide symposium in celebration of students' research.
World Class Day 7: A Virtual Celebration of Students’ Research
27, 28, & 29 May 2024
Call for Proposals
Applications due: Thursday 29 February 2024.
World Class Day (WCD), a free online symposium, highlights research carried out by undergraduate students worldwide. Via live video link, participants introduce their projects to an international audience.
Within a limit of five minutes, they accomplish these goals:
- ask an important research question that is novel and grounded in the theory or method
- best suited for their own inquiry;
- identify a key insight that they have reached; and
- offer possible next steps for the research.
This symposium is designed for students to share their individual research across borders, distances, disciplines, and cultures.
WCD is convened by an international planning committee, governed by an Advisory Board, and is this year hosted via technology and supports at Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
Previous WCD symposiums have offered international exposure to student researchers from institutions and disciplines in China, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Rwanda, Indonesia, Hong Kong, the United States, and Canada.
Students – you are invited to participate in WCD7, which takes place on 26, 27, and 28 May 2024.
You can bring your research to a global sphere of discussion at no cost. You can engage in illuminating dialogue about your work. You can be recognized for your achievement with a letter of acknowledgement from WCD. WCD can serve as a stepping-stone in your progress toward your academic, professional, and personal goals. WCD aims to be equitable, diverse, inclusive and representative.
To apply, please complete this Google form
Your application to World Class Day 7 (WC7) is due by midnight (your local time) on Thursday 29 February 2024.
Guidelines for WCD
The format for the presentation is simple: the presenter asks a research question, cites a theory or method, indicates a motivation, identifies a key insight, and anticipates next steps. The project might be a proposal, a project in process, or one that has reached completion.
This brief format calls for careful planning and preparation. It will not be possible to survey a general topic or rush through a long paper. Presenters are advised to capture the interest of a non-specialist audience who are connecting for only a few minutes online.
A WCD presentation is made by audio and video link through video conferencing.
Presenters are advised to speak directly to the camera so that virtual eye contact is established with the audience. Presenters may offer a PowerPoint presentation of no more than 5 slides with their presentation.
The presentation must not include any additional files: music, background sounds, or video clips.
Prior to the symposium, each presenter is required to participate in a preparation workshop with a WCD expert via Zoom. Several workshops will be offered across multiple time zones.
If the connection fails during the symposium, one attempt will be made to reconnect. If this attempt is unsuccessful, the symposium will proceed to the next presenter.
It is expected that the presenters will stay connected for at least one session in addition to their own and provide constructive feedback on other presentations.
Following the presentation, one or more selected reviewers or audience members will pose questions or comments directly to a presenter. Follow-up questions may come to the presenter’s email address given in the symposium programme.
For questions or comments about this call for proposals or about the application process, please email: or visit
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.