Teaching Space Audits
Why does the University audit (survey) its teaching space?
The University is required to return a Space Utilisation figure annually to HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) which is part of the EMR (Estates Management Record).
HESA recommends this figure should be based on actual survey of space.
The second biggest cost to a University is that of maintaining its estate. The University Governors and Corporate Management Team use the results of the Teaching Space Audits to inform decisions on new builds and refurbishment programmes.
Faculty/School Management teams also analyse results to improve the accuracy of their timetables for the following year.
- What is space utilisation?
- When do space audits happen?
- What happens during an audit?
- What benefits can I see from auditing space?
Any Questions?
Contact the Teaching Space Audit team within Exams & Timetabling Unit via spaceaudit@wlv.ac.uk