If you don’t want to take out a loan to pay your fees or if you aren’t eligible to receive a loan, you might want to take advantage of the University’s scheme to pay by instalments: see How to pay.
Your employer, embassy or organisation can pay for your Tuition fees:
If your employer, embassy or organisation agrees to pay all or part of your tuition fees; the University will refer to them as your sponsor and will invoice them for the appropriate amount.
We must receive notification of sponsorship in writing as soon as possible, and before enrolment, confirming that the sponsor will pay your tuition fees.
Financial Hardship:
Students can apply to the Dennis Turner Opportunity Fund for help with course related costs however this cannot be used for fees or to cover general living costs.
Bursaries and Scholarships:
In addition the University also offers a range of Bursaries and Scholarships packages
You can find more information on the University’s Funding, cost, fee and support pages.