If you have an interest in all areas of Geography, and a desire to develop the skills and knowledge of secondary age pupils in aspects of physical, human and political geography, then this course will suit you. Our course looks at the key ideas which underpin the teaching of geography in schools today and the way children's understanding of concepts develops. As a trainee you will learn how to teach geography to pupils in the 11-16 age range within the secondary age phase, with additional primary and post-16 enhancements. You will learn how to develop skills, knowledge and understanding for teaching geography through a combination of university-led and school-led training.
Our Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Secondary Education provides a high standard of training for those preparing to take up a teaching post in the secondary school sector. The course complies with the statutory guidance from the Department for Education for Initial Teacher Training courses.
The PGCE in Secondary Education is specifically designed to ensure that those who are successful will be recommended for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) – the professional award required by all those who wish to teach in a maintained school.
The PGCE Secondary Geography attracts a DfE funded bursary of £25,000. You will need to apply for this if you are successful in gaining a place on the course.
Successful completion of the course will lead to recommendation for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), along with 60 credits at Master’s level.