The BA (Hons) British Sign Language (Interpreting) is a long established and highly respected course with a team of Deaf and hearing staff from diverse backgrounds.
It is one of the few courses of its kind in British Sign Language (Interpreting) in the UK. The award offers the potential to lead to Trainee interpreter or Registered Sign Language Interpreter status recognised by the professional registration body - the NRCPD.
The lecturing team have a variety of national and international expertise in teaching and professional qualifications and have experience working for a diverse range of public, private and voluntary sector organisations. The team believes in interactive learning and encourages full participation from all our students: external examiners have consistently highlighted our innovative learning, teaching and assessments regimes as a major strength.
During your studies you will have access to a range of learning environments and technology to support your learning. These include, film studio, social work flat, mock hospital ward, collaborative classroom spaces and other areas to enhance your learning.
Your studies will culminate in an opportunity to prepare you for working as an interpreter. This is done through practical application of learning through a well-established work placement component in the final year. To date, upon graduation, students have found a high level of employability success.