Building Business Resilience Through Environmental Sustainability

EnTRESS Webinar Series for SMEs in the Black Country and Stoke & Staffordshire

With increasing legislation, policies and regulation, growing consumer awareness and pressure from investors on becoming a circular, net zero carbon business, environmental sustainability is firmly on the agenda for many organisations.

This webinar series has been specifically developed by EnTRESS for SMEs in easily accessible bitesize blocks. As the manager of a small business it is often difficult to find the time to dig into any bigger picture business issues and trends until they arrive at your door as an absolute ‘must do now’. This restricts business’s ability to develop and shift strategically over time and leads to more knee jerk reactions, or worse the business and/or it’s products becoming obsolete.

During this webinar series, we will walk you through the legislation, benefits and high level implementation guidance relating to net zero carbon and circular economy, including some jargon busting, how to track and calculate your carbon footprint, overview of various business audits and how a product’s LCA can help demonstrate sustainable business.

Please register for your free place for each session by following the links below.


Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you will:

  • Have a high-level understanding of the various environmental terms and upcoming regulations, and how they impact on your business
  • Take away enough knowledge on the topic areas to decide where to start on your journey to create a more resilient business. If you wish EnTRESS can support you further through a free 1-2-1 consultation session including a high level audit of your business.
  • Appreciate that making fundamental, long term changes to the way your business operates is not just about implementing new technologies and improving processes it is also crucially about taking all of your staff with you on the journey.

 Business benefits

There are a number of business benefits to looking at your operations in a different way, and implementing changes to create a more environmentally sustainable and resilient business, including:

  • Differentiation of your business from the competition
  • Creation of new revenue streams and opportunities
  • Optimisation of costs through waste reduction
  • Risk reduction eg. more control over supply (resource scarcity) and cost (price volatility) of materials through reverse cycles/looping
  • Longer/stronger relationships with customers through ‘product as a service’ models
  • Can gain kudos from staff, suppliers, clients and other key stakeholders leading to better staff attraction and retention, and improved stakeholder satisfaction and trust
  • Being part of the leading group to change brings first mover advantages, being one of the last risks your business being left behind or still worse becoming obsolete – don’t wait to be disrupted, get ahead of the curve

 Who should attend?

This webinar series is open to all SMEs in the Black Country and Stoke & Staffordshire that:

  • Are concerned about the future resilience of their business at such a challenging and ever-changing time
  • Want to find out more about how to better manage their business to be more environmentally conscientious / environmentally sustainable
  • Have heard about terms like Net Zero Carbon, Circular Economy, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and COP26 and want to understand how they impact on / can be of benefit to their business