This 2022 Winter/Summer School will be the first of two teaching experiences run within APTIME.
This first School will take place in Spain at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Móstoles, just 16 km
from Madrid city centre and is designed to test the teaching materials developed by the project.
The contents of the School will cover the first 3 intellectual outputs developed in APTIME project.
Intellectual output O1: Advanced Materials and Materials for ALM.
- Feedstock materials for ALM.
- Mechanical characterization of materials.
- Fracture and fatigue resistance.
- Mechanisms of fracture observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy.
Intellectual output O2: Management and Entrepreneurship for ALM.
- Introduction to organisational change.
- Financial aspects of ALM.
- Business plan (case study).
Intellectual output O3: Quality control and Part Validation.
- Importance and overview of quality control and part validation.
- Inspection of part quality characteristics: non-destructive and destructive tests.