IO-2 - Management and Entrepreneurship for ALM

IO-2 - Management and Entrepreneurship for ALM

Content developed by SRH Germany.

This module aims to equip students with knowledge and understanding of management and entrepreneurship, to run and monitor AM processes and the relevant financial and legal risks in doing so.

The change management needed in traditional companies, and ethical considerations also needed to be adopted are discussed and practiced, in order to integrate and assimilate the technology into a company structure effectively. Students will have an awareness and understanding of the disruptive influence this technology can have and be sensitive to the current workforce.

This module also considers the research methods needed for the award being studied and inform on how the project module is to be formulated via a research proposal or question.

Methods and Approaches

The module aims to develop knowledge in:

  • Making the business case for AM – Finance and risk;
  • Managing and leading change associated with ALM sector ;
  • The critically thinking needed to analyse appropriate sources of information and data to further their knowledge and understanding of research and professional skills;
  • Creative ventures and innovation within the ALM sector;

Evidence their own personal knowledge through the development and presentation of a coherent research to underpin a research proposal that will address open ended questions associated with new and advancing theory/practice.

Competences to be developed by students

The module will present students with the available management tools and competences associated with the management and monitoring of ALM processes such as but not exclusively:

  • Developing a business case for ALM related sector;
  • Dealing with and reviewing organisational change;
  • Dealing with risk, ethics and liability of manufacture.


Project work will be the central pillar of the module. Industrially relevant case study material will be used to emulate real life management issues and consequences of poor management of organisational and technological change. Innovative delivery methods will be developed for the case study project where the virtual learning platform can be exploited and investigation can be on going in multiple locations and the results shared and disseminated in a European distributed group environment.


Open educational practice available for replication in all engineering HE institutions in Europe.

Transferability potential

The intention is that this module and its content will be used for the Masters award and in addition can be used as a standalone module for CPD, upskilling and platform for industry to develop new management skills associated with ALM process adoption.