The University assesses each applicant on an individual basis. When making an alternative offer, we select a course that we believe will be relevant and of interest to you. This decision is based on a number of factors such as the content of your personal statement; the subjects you have studied; the qualifications you have achieved; and any work experience that you have gained.
You can find out more about the course you have been given as an alternative offer via our University course webpages and by attending an Open Day or Postgraduate Open Evening.
Whilst we make every effort to choose an appropriate alternative offer course that we believe you will enjoy, we understand that we may not always get this right!
If you do not feel the alternative course we have chosen is right for you, you can express an interest in another course by filling out a form here. Alternatively, contact our admissions department by logging a helpdesk call on your e:Vision account ( stating your full name, student number, and the course you would like to be considered for.
PLEASE NOTE you will not be able to be considered for the course you originally applied for and will need to apply again next year.