Dr Liam Naughton

Dr Liam Naughton

Senior Lecturer in Mathematics

  • Email address L.Naughton@wlv.ac.uk
  • Phone number 01902 321452
  • Faculty Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Institute School of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Areas of expertise

    Computational Group Theory, Permutation Groups, Burnside Rings & Tables of Marks. 

I am a lecturer in the School of Mathematics and Computer Science since March 2015. Prior to that I worked as the Coordinator of the Mathematics Support Centre at NUI, Galway. I also spent time there as a Contract lecturer. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at NUI, Galway on the S.F.I. funded project "Computing Subgroups of Finite Groups".

Computational group theory, mainly finite permutation groups. I'm especially interested in the table of marks of a finite group. I'm a maintainer of the GAP table of marks library Tomlib together with Gotz Pfeiffer. I’m interested in any mathematical problem with a computational flavour. My current research involves developing new algorithms to compute the table of marks of a finite group.


  1. Integer Sequences realized by the Subgroup pattern of the Symmetric Group, with G. Pfeiffer, J. Integer Seq. 16 (2013), no. 5, Article 13.5.8 , 23 pages
  2. Computing the Table of Marks of a Cyclic Extensions, with G. Pfeiffer, Math. Comp. 81 (2012) 


  1. Tomlib, The GAP Table of Marks Library Version 1.2.6 2016.
  2. Comptom, A Collection of programs to compute the Table of Marks of A Cyclic Extension.
  3. CountingSubgroupsA Collection of programs to count subgroups of the symmetric group with different properties. 


  1. Computing the Table of Marks of a Finite Group, PhD Thesis NUI Galway 2010.
  2. The Subgroups of the Symmetric Group on Thirteen Points, MSc Thesis NUI Galway 2006.