How much will it cost?
There is no ‘flat rate’ fee to receive information and in many cases the information may be provided to you free of charge.
The University of Wolverhampton can refuse a request if we estimate that it will cost in excess of £450 to fulfill your request. We may be willing to provide the information if you are willing to pay the full costs in dealing with the request. The hourly rate used to calculate this price is £25.
Where the limit is not exceeded, the only charges that can be passed to you are those associated with providing the information, for example photocopying and postage. These are collectively known as disbursements.
How long will it take?
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the University is required to respond to Freedom of Information requests within 20 working days from the day after receipt of the request.
If we have to contact you to clarify what information is being requested or to request payment of a fee, the 20 working day period may be extended.