The University of Wolverhampton (the University) is committed to the principles of openness and transparency. We are happy to comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by providing a guide to the information we make available, and by responding to requests for information.
Who can request information from the University?
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FoI Act), any individual, anywhere in the world, is able to make a request to the University for information. An applicant is entitled to:
- be informed in writing as to whether the information is held;
- have the information communicated to them if it is not exempt from release under the FoI Act.
If any of the requested information is to be refused, the University must provide you with a refusal notice which clearly states the reasons why we are withholding the information you have requested and making clear the appeals process.
What type of information can I request?
You have the right to request any information held by the University. The Act allows applicants access to recorded information, such as emails, meeting minutes, research or reports, held by the University. Before you make a Freedom of Information request, please view our policies and regulations page to see if the information is already available. If you are unable to locate the information, please make a formal Freedom of Information request, as detailed below.
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Length of process and costs involved
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How does the University respond?
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When requests may be refused?
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