The University of Wolverhampton is a Higher Education Corporation, as established under the Education Reform Act 1988. The University of Wolverhampton is an exempt charity under The Charities Act 1993 (consolidated by The Charities Act 2011). The Office for Students assumes the role of principal regulator of the University, rather than the Charities Commission. As a Higher Education Corporation, the University does not have a registered charity number and is not a company registered with the Companies House. The governors act as trustees of the University. You can read more about the University as a charity here.
The University is governed by an Instrument of Government and Articles of Government:
- Instrument of Government and Articles of Government
- Board of Governors Regulations
- Scheme of Delegation
The Bye-Laws can be found at the bottom of our Regulations, Codes of Conduct and Bye Laws page.
The Board of Governors comply with the CUC Higher Education Code of Governance 2014. The Board formally adopted the Code and the Statement of Primary Responsibilities on 26th March 2015.
- Statement of Primary Responsibilities
- CUC Code (link to external website, CUC)
Additionally, governors are required to adhere to the Standards in public life.
The Board of Governors has responsibility for ensuring that measures are in place for the effective leadership of the University of Wolverhampton.
Governors are not leaders of University business; this is the remit of the Vice-Chancellor. Governors operate at a strategic level, determining the University's mission and ensuring this is undertaken in a financially prudent way, to drive the University forward.
Under the Articles of Government the Board of Governors has responsibility for:
- the determination of the educational character and mission of the University and for oversight of its activities, including the exercise of degree-awarding powers;
- the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the University of Wolverhampton and the Corporation and for safeguarding their assets;
- approving annual estimates of income and expenditure;
- the appointment, grading, appraisal, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the Vice-Chancellor, the Clerk and the holders of such other senior posts as the Board of Governors may determine;
- setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.
Page updated 13 November 2023.