Social inclusion and social change
The University as a charity
The University aims to deliver this part of its mission through the development of a course portfolio that equips students with knowledge and skills that are not only relevant to their subject of study, but which provide Graduate Attributes (being digitally literate, knowledgeable, enterprising global citizens).
The University aims to develop a lifelong relationship with its graduates responding to their lifelong learning and professional development needs to the benefit of the Graduates themselves, as well as their employers and the community at large.
Contribution to the community
Students/Graduates and Staff are encouraged to become positive contributors to the communities in which they belong and an ethos of active volunteering is both encouraged and is a growing facet of the University learning experience.
Equality of opportunity
While the resources in terms of tuition fees and other sources of income listed in our accounts are vital to the delivery of our mission, the University is ever mindful that its mission of social inclusion must be based on providing an equality of opportunity for all those with a motivation and academic ability to make best use of the life enhancing opportunities the University offers irrespective of the social, ethnic, cultural or economic background of applicants.
Widening participation
Widening Participation is also central to the delivery of the mission, as are our schemes to provide bursary support towards the cost of studying at Wolverhampton for those of limited means as well as the emergency and hardship funds that are disbursed to address social inclusivity and hopefully assist students to achieve their study aspirations and vocational outcomes.
In terms of social change, the University conducts its research objectives in selected areas in a user-led collaborative way aimed at maximising the societal impact of our research outcomes.
Economic prosperity
We aim to contribute to economic development and wealth generation in the development and commercialisation of innovative products, processes and services, as well as making our advice and expertise readily accessible to the [business] community and the development of firm and long-lasting relationships.
The University plays a leading role in the economic prosperity of the region by encouraging the creation of graduate start-up businesses in the University’s incubator facilities and elsewhere as well as assistance given to enhance business competitiveness in the rapidly changing global economy.