Disability History Month 2021
18th November - 18th December
UK Disability History Month (UKDHM) is an annual event creating a platform to focus on the history of disabled people's struggle for equality and human rights. The joint themes for UKDHM 2021 are Disability and Hidden Impairment and Disability, Sex and Relationships.
Disability History Month is a chance to look back at Disability History and the struggle for inclusion. As well as being time to raise awareness of issues, events and concerns that face the disabled community today. This year the University of Wolverhampton will present a number of events, provocations and talks which will be available for all students, staff and the public to attend for FREE online.
This month the University of Wolverhampton will also commit to expanding awareness of disability concerns through a programme of events and celebrations – beyond December and throughout the entire academic calendar – to ensure we are a university of opportunity for everyone. We also hope that out public events will reach beyond the campus and to the wider public.
Recorded Events
Mike Layward: We are Invisible, We are Visible
Family Planning: The Lived Experience Through Art - Panel Discussion
Why Bother? The Art of Disability - Practice Does Not Make the Perfect (Disrupting Bodies)
Sam Rapp: UN International Day for Disabled People
Deb Alma: Poetry on Prescription: Creative Writing & Wellbeing
How a Manchester Gallery Supports Disabled and Neurodivergent Artists
Tony Heaton: The Art of Disability History - A personal view through The National Disability Arts Collection and Archive
Tanya Raabe: It’s An Artists Life - Talk with Artist
Disability History Month 2021
/ Mike Layward: We are Invisible, We are Visible / Family Planning: The Lived Experience Through Art - Panel Discussion / Paul Darke: Why Bother? The Art of Disability - Practice Does Not Make the Perfect (Disrupting Bodies) / Sam Rapp: UN International Day for Disabled People / Deb Alma: Poetry on Prescription: Creative Writing & Wellbeing /Jennifer Gilbert: How a Manchester Gallery Supports Disabled and Neurodivergent Artists Tony Heaton: The Art of Disability History; A personal view through NDACA (the national disability arts collection and archive)
We are embracing Black History Month beyond the confines of a single month. Our intention is for Black History Month to transcend seasonality and 'tokenism’ so that the original initiative itself is eventually no longer required.
LGBT+ History Month is a month-long annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and non-binary history, including the history of LGBT+ rights and related civil rights movements.