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Zara Ahmed

 Zara Ahmed, 2020 BA (Hons) Graphic Design graduate, WOlverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton

Title of Piece: The Portal


For one of my final projects at the University of Wolverhampton I designed a bookstore for HMV with the target audience and intention being to involve teenagers and children into reading again. I named this bookstore ‘The Portal’ and created work that fit with the theme of the name. The design work has a papercut theme to it and is in the shape of portals using overlapping, layered work to create that depth.

There are different portals and designs to match a specific genre, Romance, Horror, Mystery, and Fantasy. Here is an image of a bag I created using my branding. This is an eco-friendly bag designed to be used in-store to contain the books that are sold, each bag is designed after a genre too. This is based off the mystery genre. I have really enjoyed this project and I am extremely happy with the outcome.

My plans for the future are to break into the creative industries and hopefully find a great job that helps me utilise the skillset I have picked up at Uni and allows me to explore my creativity to the fullest. I would love to create work that means something or that helps people in some way.

My Experience:

My best experience on this course has been the honesty and constant support that I have received from my lecturers. I have found it incredibly helpful over the course of the past three years to have that constant, honest constructive criticism that has helped me to become the best designer I could. I have also really enjoyed the number of live briefs I have been able to take part in as they have supplied me with certain skills I wasn’t even aware I had.