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Olivia Willberry

 Olivia Willberry, 2020 BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate, Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton

Olivia Willberry, 2020 BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate, Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton

Title of Piece: Untitled


Walking is central to my practice. Drifting in a known environment gives me a sense of belonging, comfort, and security. I am captivated by the effect landscapes have on my emotions and the connection between humans and nature. I work in the medium of film and painting; an effective way to communicate walks.

My Final Major Project consisted of gathering footage over extended periods of time. My walking journeys were documented by a Capture Cam. By alternating its position on my clothing, I effectively identified different viewpoints of the landscape. The repeated action of walking, the rhythm of putting one foot in front of the other, echoed the effort that goes into accomplishing something but leading to nothing. By observing sensorially, my work depicts the consciousness of being in a place at a particular moment. My objective is not to represent landscape but address an experience of complex places. The impact of rural psychogeography guides my practice contextually. The unplanned wandering allows the investigation of my environment by relying on the emotions created by my surroundings. These short video installations are publicly accessible through my Youtube Channel While on the walks, I produced maps of my journey through completing a series of paintings that focused on my observation and reflection of space. The acrylic paintings were produced on small wooden slices; an accessible material to carry. Resembling a diary, each painting was documented with an ink stamp on the back.

BA Hons Fine Art has enabled me to pursue a career in teaching. I will be starting my PGCE Primary course in September.