FEINART is an ambitious Innovative Training Network supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of Horizon 2020 led by the University of Wolverhampton, committed to providing high quality training for 11 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) for the completion of PhD study in the area of art and social engagement
This is the first EU funded network to provide a wide-ranging academic and non-academic training programme for the development and production of social engaged art in Europe. It will co-ordinate data gathering and an extensive range interdisciplinary approaches to the critical analysis of the contemporary role, impact, and networks of distribution of socially engaged art. As such, it represents a major opportunity for the development of new research into the support and dissemination of socially engaged art, with important implications for the future public funding of the independent arts sector. It, therefore, it will be an invaluable contribution to the continuing debate on art, democracy and the public sphere, beyond the museum’s traditional functions.
FEINART Lecture Series
The FEINART LECTURE SERIES will discuss the role, impact, and theoretical implications of socially engaged art. This series of public talks is organized by the Innovative Training Network FEINART (The Future of European Independent Art Spaces in a Period of Socially Engaged Art) jointly led by the Universities of Wolverhampton (coordinator), Zeppelin University (direction of the training programme) University Iceland, and University of Edinburgh. More info: feinart.org supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of Horizon 2020 European training programme.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860306
For more information about the FEINART network, visit: feinart.org
Previous Events
Gregory Sholette: The Art of Activism and the Activism of Art
iLiana Fokianaki: Curating as Instituting: Peripheries and Precarity
British Art Show 9 and Socially Engaged Art
Maria Hlavajova: From Art Institution to Community Portal
Vessel: a Meridian Practice
ART/COMMONS: Internationalism, Post-capitalism, and the Radical Imagination
Centre for Art, Design, Research & Experimentation
The Centre for Art, Design, Research & Experimentation accommodates researchers within the Wolverhampton School of Art. It was established in 2006 to explore and develop the beneficial effect of art and design upon society. The Centre is clustered into three focused areas of research interests: Art, Society and Social Practice; Digital Technology Theory and Practice; Material and Theoretical Practice.