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MSc Emergency Management and Resilience (Distance Learning)

Our 100% online course with an international focus on global resilience

Disasters & emergencies will never stop occurring, with many hazards, a diverse and complex society, this gives rise to continuous complex critical challenges. Whatever the cause, real world issues demonstrate the need for building global societal resilience. Comprehending the intricacies of far reaching consequences against the geopolitical, environmental, socioeconomic issues and values of today, makes this a difficult, though not insurmountable challenge. This MSc explores these challenges and opportunities, through the research, theories and polices in building skills and knowledge.

Starting October 2022 - Applications being taken soon. Email to register your interest.

Discover more about this course

In line with its international focus, this master’s course has been specifically designed for international as well as UK-based students. Catering for professionals who may already be working in this field or those wishing to embark in such a career and who have transferable knowledge and skills. With a clear focus on accommodating the needs of working professionals and individuals with families, the flexible delivery.

The innovative online learning environment which has been tailor-made to encourage collaboration and interaction between students. You can access course material on a smartphone, a tablet, or a laptop, at a time that suits you, making it a flexible degree that can be studied from anywhere and at any time. Allowing you to draw on knowledge and experiences from fellow professionals, and will enable you to build a global network of peers as you study. Delivered using a blend of live online (synchronous), pre-recorded (asynchronous) delivery and tutorial activities within the virtual learning environment.

This is an opportunity for you to develop advanced and cutting edge Master’s level of understanding in the underpinning concepts, theories and academic skills surrounding international emergency/disaster management. Including areas of societal resilience, vulnerability, risk reduction, disruption to the functioning community/society and build back better, along with an understanding of how these are relevant, and can be applied, to professional practice.


It is important that, all online session are completed and lectures are attended.  Where absences do occur students may catch-up by reviewing on our online learning platform.  As part of the course students will be expected to carry out formative work and some on-line activities through our online learning platform.  All course materials are also made available online and many of the texts on the course reading guide are also available electronically through the online library system.  Tutorials can be delivered in person, by telephone, or via video conferencing (using Teams). Students will be expected to manage their own study time in undertake substantial reading and research both within and around the taught subjects to obtain a mastery of the subjects.  The MSc dissertation is an independent undertaking of research and students are expected to manage their own time and activities accordingly. 

The course focuses on international requirements and practice of delivering emergency/disaster management. It uses subject matter from a wide range of international emergencies and frameworks for comparison and consideration.

The course brings together the practical delivery of emergency management with insights from academic literature, new research, and established models. This integration allows for discussion, new considerations and the development of ideas and practice methods to be considered based on evidence and careful deliberation. This content will look at how and why things are done in emergency management, giving special attention to why different aspects are undertaken and what are the lessons to be learnt to improve our risk reduction, prevention, preparedness, response and build back better/recovery.

The course will ensure you develop a sound working knowledge of the principles, practice and underpinning policy within this important field of work. You will develop valuable proficiencies in communication, leadership and critical thinking as well as a wide range of inter-personal, self-management, research and project management skills.

The programme is delivered by enthusiastic subject specialists who are involved in significant advisory roles and research within emergency management locally, regionally and nationally, and who participate in national communities of practice to develop and share expertise across the world. In addition, opportunities to understand the influence and involvement of a range of emergency management organisations is discussed and students have access to members of such bodies in support of their research and professional network building.

There is support to publish in a variety of outlets including publications from our course partners.

We understand that many students have concerns about improving their academic study skills. For this purpose we include teaching and support to assist in developing writing and research skills as part of the taught sessions, building confidence and ability in these areas, and allowing you to complete your study.

The course is offered full-time (12-15 months) and part-time (24-27 months).  Both can be accomplished whilst continuing to work as you fit you’re learning around your current commitments.

Those starting the MSc but only completing three or six modules at postgraduate certificate and/or diploma level can step off the MSc course and be awarded at the level they have completed up to.

You may also use the recognition of prior learning process to credit relevant previously achieved Level 7 credits towards a portion of the course.

Modules will be delivered as a hybrid mix of scheduled live online (synchronous), pre-recorded (asynchronous) delivery and activities within the virtual learning environment, plus  scheduled tutorial sessions  A significant amount of self-directed study will also form a major part of the course.  


Postgraduate Certificate Modules

7EP021 Emergency Management: Foundations & Frameworks

This module provides an examination of the framework, legislation and guidance which forms the foundation of emergency management and resilience, exposing key lessons which can be applied into the field from countries around the world. You will also examine the principles of emergency management, discovering some of the complexities these present especially in the deployment of effective policy.

This module will also provide for the development of academic skills such as writing, referencing, reading, searching the literature and thinking critically and creatively. This will enable you to obtain the most from your studies, enable you to engage in mastering subjects across the field, and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding through learning activities and assignments.


7EP022 Disaster : Understanding, Insight & Learning

This module will develop your key understanding and insight concerning emergencies/disasters, the foundational models and theories that underpin them, and the complexities and barriers concerning the learning and monitoring that should take place during and following such incidents.


7EP023 Communication, Information & Resilience

This module will enable you to gain insight into some of the complex issues associated with the management of information, communications, decision making in Emergency and Resilience Management. You will consider the issues in relation to the needs of communities and responders. The effects of influential public information from a range of sources (such as the media, influencers and social technologies) will also be examined. The module will allow you to develop your own skills in communications and information management.


Postgraduate Diploma Modules

7EP024 Research in Emergency Management & Resilience

The aim of this module is to provide you with knowledge of the research process and key concepts in order for you to be able to propose, conduct and write up the methodology for a research project within emergency management and/or resilience. You will develop key understanding concerning research design such as how to choose and justify a topic, how to write a research question, what methodology to use, how to collect and analyse data, and, of key importance, the consideration of ethical issues. As part of the assessment you will design and produce a proposal for a research study to be carried out independently by you; mostly likely as part of your MSc Dissertation module.


7EP025 Societal Resilience

This module will enable you to gain insight into some of the complex issues associated with the resilience. You will consider the issues in relation to societal, organisational and city resilience, as well as from the views of different fields, such as engineering, environmental, etc.


7EP026 Contemporary Issues & the Future of Emergency Management

During this module you will study the impacts of existing management and leadership within emergency management and explore what requirements might be necessary to adapt to a changing world. You will cover subject areas such as emergency management standards/competencies, governance, leadership, hazard and threat developments, performance management, and professionalism. Specific consideration will be given to the future of emergency management using evidence to carefully examine and analyse the likely influences and changes required.


MSc Dissertation Module

7EP027 Emergency Management & Resilience Dissertation

This module will allow you to deploy research principles to investigate a specific area within the field of Emergency Management & Resilience. The module will also prepare you for publishing in academic journals and is specifically aligned to the journal requirements of 'Emergency Management Review'. The assessment of the dissertation modules is the writing up of your research project.

You can choose to undertake the dissertation module during the second year of the MSc, however, the dissertation module can also be started in a third year, separately to any other modules to allow for flexibility and for balancing work, life and study commitments.  Students can choose the option which best suits them.  Regardless, supervision is provided to assist you in undertaking your independent dissertation.

If you are obtaining financial support from your employer then students sometimes find that they can obtain backing more easily by ensuring that their dissertation is of benefit to their organisation.  The MSc is specifically designed to allow this whilst your university supervisor assists you in ensuring that any research you do will meet the academic requirements.

Emergencies and disasters continue to increase globally.  Organisations across the UK including the National Health Service (NHS), the emergency services, local government, HM Armed Forces, voluntary organisations and the private sector need to continually manage their ability to respond to, and recover from, a variety of emergencies/disasters within the context of current, legislation, guidance and policy.  This can present challenges at the local, national and international levels. Each major organisation will have in place a range of emergency/contingency plans that rely of advanced skills in risk management, emergency planning, communications, multi-agency co-operation, project management and leadership.  Most organisations have emergency planning departments and career opportunities exist for working in the field of emergency management at local, regional and national and International levels. This course will give you those advanced underpinning skills, principles and concepts and enable you to engage with strategic, national and international guidelines.

Students undertaking this course may already be working in the field of emergency planning /management or on the front line in accident and emergency services.  It is envisaged that students will develop strategic leadership skills and further their ability to work in multi-agency environments. The course is built upon thorough evidence and will enable students to gain the knowledge and skills to implement the strategies outlined in relevant legislation and other national policies and guidelines.

Many of our students go on to achieve new jobs and/or promotion as a result of their studies. Often this happens during their course not only after completion. Participating in academic study at all levels will encourage analysis and criticality and hence will improve the opportunity for promotion and advancement. Successful completion of an academic qualification will facilitate students in providing a justification for progression through the skills escalator and will often act as a catalyst to enable the student to pass through grade/band gateways. Alternatively, this may be an opportunity for you to move into this area of work on completion of your studies.




Full-Time (EU/UK)

Full-Time (International)

Postgraduate Certificate

(Total cost)





(Total cost)





Arrangements can be made for fees to be made in instalments and more information can be found at

University Postgraduate Loyalty Discount: The University offers a postgraduate loyalty discount ( If you have completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Wolverhampton a 20% reduction will automatically be applied to your fees once you have enrolled on the course. 

UK Postgraduate Loans: These loans provide a non means-tested loan for Masters degrees. More information can be found at

We strive to make your time at University a pleasurable experience and are proud of the support we provide to our students. We recognise that on occasions you may encounter challenges, especially if you are also employed in full or part-time work whilst you study. Flexibility to assist you is provided wherever possible and Student Advisors are also available to provide advice and guidance.

We understand that many students have concerns about improving their academic study skills, especially those with little higher education experience or for those returning to study. We include teaching and support to assist in developing study, writing and research skills as part of the taught sessions, building confidence and ability in these areas, and allowing you to complete your studies.

Our Library provides online support and sessions related to developing your academic skills in addition to the drop-in and group sessions on our campuses which focus on particular aspects of skills for academic study and writing.

Please contact us directly for an informal discussion about the course, the options open to you, and for us to answer any other questions you might have.


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