Cosima Wendt
MA Digital And Visual Communications
“Design is art optimised to meet objectives” - Shimon Shmueli
As the quote from Shimon Shmueli states, my personal goal is to develop solution-oriented designs based on contextual information. I have always focused on creating effective visualisations and making communication even more impactful and successful.
With this background, I have dealt with different socially relevant topics in order to bring them closer to audiences. Mental health is an important topic in today‘s world, affecting many people and is constantly gaining relevance in society. My research has highlighted five elements of wellness and this plays a central role in my project. With the help of an innovative cross-media concept and a combination of attention-grabbing artistic visualisation and user-friendly commercial visualisation, I would like to draw people’s attention to this topic and create helpful approaches for improving mental health.
MA Digital And Visual Communications
Milan Callaghan / Chantel Naomi Cave / Atlanta Ellis / Helen Gould / Hannah Grams / Ella Griffin / Neil Jenkins / Alisa Murillo / Jennifer Op / Alessia Robson / Jessica Tonks / Cosima Wendt / Michael Wells
Wolverhampton School of Art Graduate Showcase 2021
We are delighted to announce our end of year graduate showcase highlighting the work of our final year students in Art, Design and Screen based subjects.
Over the last few weeks we have had a film crew on site in the School of Art recording student experiences and their work. The last year, has undoubtedly been a huge challenge to students and staff in the School of Art. We have found ourselves working at home in make-shift spaces and often with limited materials and kit. Our staff and students have been hugely inventive in finding opportunities and outlets to keep learning live - and this, in itself, is a testament to our creativity and resilience as a sector.
British Art Show 9
22 January - 10 April 2022
We are delighted to announce that the Wolverhampton School of Art has been selected as one of the venues for the prestigious British Art Show 9! In what is a major boost and sign of recognition for arts and culture in Wolverhampton, we are proud to be hosting this prestigious touring exhibition in January 2022.
FEINART Lecture Series
The FEINART LECTURE SERIES will discuss the role, impact, and theoretical implications of socially engaged art. This series of public talks is organized by the Innovative Training Network FEINART (The Future of European Independent Art Spaces in a Period of Socially Engaged Art) jointly led by the Universities of Wolverhampton (coordinator), Zeppelin University (direction of the training programme) University Iceland, and University of Edinburgh.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860306