Balkisu Mohammed
MA Design and Applied Arts
In my work, I combine aspects of traditional, Nigerian, Hausa men garments with inspiration from modest, women fashion. This allows me to create distinctive designs that explore ideas about tradition and gender in Nigerian culture.
My main inspiration piece is called babbarriga. It is a loose, large over-gown, often worn as a symbol of power, attire. It traditionally has extensive embroidery made by skilled craftsmen. My intention is to break some of these gender norms and make it accessible for women as well. I create hand embroidery using traditional Hausa techniques combined with modern inspiration. I have taken inspiration from the babbarriga structure in creating my own design. It is a modest long dress with one baggy sleeve and one normal sleeve that goes with the pleat reflecting the babbarriga sleeve when folded on the wearer’s shoulder.
MA Design and Applied Arts
Balkisu Mohammed / Hayley Bassett / James Bavington / Kolsuma Begum / Chris Day / Joe Geehan / Maximilian Holder / Rachel Homfray / Lu Jiang / Sarmite Lasmane / Amy Lewis / Sophie Logan / Jessica Machaye / Agnieszka Nowicka / Johanna Roberts / Vivien Russell / Gemma Willetts
Wolverhampton School of Art Graduate Showcase 2021
We are delighted to announce our end of year graduate showcase highlighting the work of our final year students in Art, Design and Screen based subjects.
Over the last few weeks we have had a film crew on site in the School of Art recording student experiences and their work. The last year, has undoubtedly been a huge challenge to students and staff in the School of Art. We have found ourselves working at home in make-shift spaces and often with limited materials and kit. Our staff and students have been hugely inventive in finding opportunities and outlets to keep learning live - and this, in itself, is a testament to our creativity and resilience as a sector.
British Art Show 9
22 January - 10 April 2022
We are delighted to announce that the Wolverhampton School of Art has been selected as one of the venues for the prestigious British Art Show 9! In what is a major boost and sign of recognition for arts and culture in Wolverhampton, we are proud to be hosting this prestigious touring exhibition in January 2022.
FEINART Lecture Series
The FEINART LECTURE SERIES will discuss the role, impact, and theoretical implications of socially engaged art. This series of public talks is organized by the Innovative Training Network FEINART (The Future of European Independent Art Spaces in a Period of Socially Engaged Art) jointly led by the Universities of Wolverhampton (coordinator), Zeppelin University (direction of the training programme) University Iceland, and University of Edinburgh.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860306