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Current Projects

European Masters: Technology for Translation and Interpreting (EMTTI)

Coordinator: Professor Mitkov

Local Coordinator: Dr Sara Moze

Project Website: 

The amount of text available in electronic format and available on the internet is growing exponentially and much of this information has to be translated or interpreted. As a result, there is a pressing need for a new generation of translators and interpreters who rely less on traditional methods and instead benefit from a range of time- and labour-efficient technological tools. To address the growing demand for such professional translators and interpreters, MA Technology for Translation and Interpreting (MA TTI) will produce specialists in translation and interpreting who are up-to-date with the latest applications which support their daily work. 

MA Technology for Translation and Interpreting addresses the need for a new generation of translators and interpreters through a programme of outstanding academic quality, in line with the Erasmus+ ethos of building a stronger workforce with the breadth of skills and perspectives needed to stimulate developments in the field. The offer of scholarships will drive competition for places and ensure candidates of the highest calibre are selected.

A strong consortium of the University of Wolverhampton, UK (the co-ordinator); University of Malaga, SpainNew Bulgarian University, Bulgaria, and Ghent University, Belgium, embodies the aim to deliver a cohesive, integrated European-wide programme which will be the first of its kind worldwide. The synergy between these three Higher Education institutions, who are known for their seminal contributions in the computational aspects of language study, as well as technology of translation and interpreting, will ensure that students have access to leading academics and best practices across the field. The associated partners of the programme are leading companies, user organisations, and non-EC universities who further enhance this student-centred and market-orientated programme with a vision of delivering educational quality and vocational skills to maximise the students’ career potential,  complementing the quality and integrity of the programme. 

Cultural Analytics for the Arabic and Islamic Heritage

PI: Dr Emad Mohamed

The field of Cultural Analytics seeks to use advanced technology (Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Network Analysis among other things to get better insights into human culture. This includes history, art, and human creativity. Our proposal on Arabic Cultural Analytics was rated A by the Qatar National Research Fund, and we were awarded $ 500,000. The project seeks to digitize, annotate, and create computational tools for the Arabic press from its inception until circa 1950.   

Responsible Digital Humanities Lab (RIGHT)

PI: Prof. Ruslan Mitkov

This proposal establishes a multidisciplinary Responsible Digital Humanities Lab (RIGHT), which will be the first of its kind in the UK and seek to be a regional, national, and international leader in the field of Digital Humanities (DH). RIGHT’s priorities will be to advance the field of DH, foster strong collaboration across UoW, and create tools, datasets and guidelines for ethical, responsible Natural Language Programming (NLP) focused DH. The emphasis on responsible DH makes it a unique, pioneering hub for advancing human-centred computing. We bring AI to the Humanities together with the ethics and responsibility of the Humanities to AI.

RIGHT will harness NLP expertise to deliver internationally leading research in Humanities disciplines such as Sikh and Panjabi Studies, History, Literature and Film Studies with impact reaching far beyond academia. It will develop a flagship DH initiative for Panjabi with the Centre for Sikh and Panjabi Studies.

RIGHT will be situated within the Research Group in Computational Linguistics (RGCL), which has a strong track record of NLP and DH research, prestigious national and international collaborations, and strong collaborative links within UoW. RIGHT will be supported by the Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group (SCRG) and the Centre for Sikh and Panjabi Studies.


Project Lead: Dr Marcos Zampieri

Every year, the University of Wolverhampton awards 10 research fellowships to support projects led by researchers who have obtained their PhD in the last 5 years. The initiative is called ERAS - Early Research Award Scheme (ERAS) and provides a budget of up to £5,000 to each project. The program has existed since 2016 and applications are selective on a competitive basis. Dr Marcos Zampieri, a member of RGCL and RIILP, was selected to be part of the 2018-2019 cohort of ERAS fellows with a project entitled "Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media". The project deals with the application of computational methods to identify offensive and aggressive language and hate speech in social media. The funding will support the annotation of a large offensive language dataset that will be used in a SemEval 2019 task. For more information, please check Marcos' recent publications on the topic. 

Dr Victoria Yaneva who studied her PhD with us and is now a Research Associate, presented her research at TEDx in Birmingham. With the 21st Century known as the age of information, access to knowledge can change our lives in so many ways. Yet comprehension difficulties are a core characteristic of those on the autistic spectrum, making extracting meaning a distinct challenge. Victoria outlines how technology can help bridge these differences in learning, by building upon the strengths of those with autism rather than focusing on weaknesses.