About The Social and Community Psychology and Research Cluster (SOC):
Led by Dr Darren Chadwick and Dr Joanne Meredith
The Social and Community Psychology Research Cluster (SoC) conducts research using psychological principles and theories underpinned by the belief that research can, and should, be used to improve social and societal wellbeing. Justice, social action and political activity focussed research form a core part of the work SoC does. Other related areas of research activity include intellectual and developmental disabilities, legal and forensic psychology, work in organisations and education. Members of SoC have collaborated both nationally and internationally on research projects, producing easier read, lay and stakeholder reports and presenting and disseminating research findings locally, nationally and internationally.
Our Members:
The Social and Community Psychology and Research Cluster (SOC) is built up of academic staff from The Univeristy of Wolverhampton, Affiliate Members and PhD students. For more information on our members, please click the tabs below:
SoC Membership
Membership is inclusive, open to anyone across the University and to anyone from an outside organisation with an interest in social and community psychological research. Please email Darren Chadwick or Joanne Meredith if you are interested in joining us. Below is a list of our current Members:
Dr. Roz Collings
Dr. Lamprini Mangirou
Current SoC PhD Students
Affiliate Members
Dr. Tracey Platt – University of Sunderland
- Kelley, T., Collings, R., Kessel.S., Solomon, A., Rubenstein, B. (In press). The Efficacy of iHEART Mental Health Education for Drawing out Inner Resilience and Wellbeing of UK Secondary School Adolescents. Journal of Public Mental Health.
- Croom, S., Chadwick, D., Nicholls, W., & McGarry, A. (2021). The experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities attending a mindfulness-based group intervention. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. [https://doi.org/10.1111/bld.12359]
- Oliver, C., Adams, D., Allen, D., Crawford, H., Heald, M., Moss, J., ... & Woodcock, K. (2020). The behaviour and wellbeing of children and adults with severe intellectual disability and complex needs: the Be-Well checklist for carers and professionals. Paediatrics and Child Health.
- Meredith, J., Galpin, A., & Robinson, L. (2020). Examining the management of stake and interest in a participatory design Facebook group. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 1-20.
- Coen, S., Meredith, J., Woods, R., & Fernandez, A. (2020). Talk like an expert: the construction of expertise in news comments concerning Climate Change. Public understanding of science, 0963662520981729.
- Chadwick, D. D., & Wesson, C. (2020). ‘Blocked at every level’: criminal justice system professionals’ experiences of including people with intellectual disabilities within a targeted magistrates’ court. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour.
- Brown, E. J., & Nicklin, L. L. (2019). Spitting rhymes and changing minds: Global youth work through hip-hop. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning.
- Meredith, J. & Richardson, E. (2019). The use of the categories Brexiter and Remainer in online comment threads. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29, 43-55.
- Wesson, C. J., & Chadwick, D. D. (2019). Police Officers’ Perceptions of Their Role in a Mental Health Magistrates’ Court Pathway. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 34(3), 285-291.Chadwick, D., Buell, S. & Goldbart, J. (2019). Approaches to communication assessment with children and adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(2), 336-358.
- Woods, S. A., Hinton, D. P., von Stumm, S., & Bellman-Jeffreys, J. (2019). Personality and intelligence: Examining the associations of investment-related personality traits with general and specific intelligence. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 35(2), 206.
- Chadwick, D. D., & Platt, T. (2018). Investigating humor in social interaction in people with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review of the literature. Frontiers in psychology, 9, Article 1745.
- Chadwick, D. D. & Fullwood, C. (2018). An online life like any other: identity, self-determination, and social networking among adults with intellectual disabilities. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 21(1), 56-64.
- Ball, K. S., & Wesson, C. J. (2017). Perceptions of unwanted sexual behaviour on public transport: exploring transport density and behaviour severity. Crime prevention and community safety, 19(3), 199-210.
- Buell, S., & Chadwick, D. (2017). Meeting the communication support needs of children and young people with intellectual disabilities in the Bolivian Andes. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 21(3), 220-234.
- Nicklin, L. L. (2017). ‘Make Not Your Prisons Your Prisons’: Participant-perceived Potential Outcomes of a Shakespeare Focussed Alternative to Juvenile Incarceration in the USA. Emotional and behavioural difficulties, 22(1), 2-17.
- Hinton, D. P., & Higson, H. (2017). A large-scale examination of the effectiveness of anonymous marking in reducing group performance differences in higher education assessment. PloS one, 12(8), e0182711.
- Coen, S, Meredith, J., & Condie, J.M. (2017). I dig therefore we are: community archaeology, place-based social identity, and intergroup relations within local communities. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 27 (3), pp. 212-225.
Coordinated by Dr. Darren Chadwick, Dr. Liz Tilly, Dr. Stephanie Brewster & Lynne Westwood WIDeN aims to enhance the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through research, education and community work. You can find out more about the work of WIDeN here.
- Political discourse
- Political engagement amongst people with intellectual disabilities
- Social inclusion within the criminal justice system
- Attitudes to offenders and disenfranchised groups
- Impression management
- Boardgaming communities
- Women’s career progression in stem
- Enhancing pedagogy in psychology