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From The Management Research Centre

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Hosted on: 21/04/2021 by Professor Mathew Hughes, Loughborough University.

Professor Mathew Hughes is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University. He previously held appointments as Reader in Entrepreneurial Management at Durham University, and Lecturer then Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at University of Nottingham. Professor Hughes is world-renowned expert on the interrelationship between strategy and entrepreneurship. His research expertise lies at the crossroads of entrepreneurship and innovation and their intersection with strategy and management.  He publishes widely in world-leading and internationally excellent journals. Mat is an Editor of the Entrepreneurship Research Journal and Associate Editor of the Journal of Family Business Strategy. He sits on the Editorial Boards of the British Journal of Management, Journal of Management studies, Journal of Business Venturing and the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing.

In this talk, Mat will discuss his recent paper “Why family social capital can be too much of a good thing” published in the Journal of Family Business Strategy. This paper was praised by Editor Dr Torsten Pieper as ground-breaking research into family social capital theory and has been the subject of a practitioner article on entitled “Too Much Love in the Family Can Hurt”. In this paper Mat shows how improving the construct clarity of family social capital is essential to understand when it can have productive and destructive effects for family firm performance. He reveals the danger of a family orientation lock and the importance of using external social capital.

Hosted on 15/04/2021.

Salvatore Esposito De Falco is a professor of Economics and Business Management at the Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. His research interest includes systems and mechanisms of corporate governance; family business and business longevity; innovation in companies and the relationship between companies and the financial system. He published 39 journal articles, 25 book chapters, 5 monographs and a number of conference proceedings.

Professor Esposito De Falco has an extensive career as an academic researcher and practitioner. He was Visiting Scholar at the Department of Management of New York University (NYU) Stern School of Business (USA) (2015 and 2018), at Baruch College - The City University of New York City (2013) and at the University of Huelva (2006). Additionally, he acts as a director and senior partner in a number of Italian companies and organizations.

Hosted on 25/03/2021 by Professor Saleemul Huq.

Professor Saleemul Huq is the Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD). He is also a Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in the UK, where he is involved in building negotiation capacity and supporting the engagement of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in UNFCCC including negotiator training workshops for LDCs, policy briefings and support for the Adaptation Fund Board, as well as research into vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the least developed countries. He is also the Chair of the Expert Advisory Group for the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and Senior Adviser on Locally Led Adaptation with Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) headquartered in the Netherlands.

Professor Huq has published numerous articles in scientific and popular journals, was a lead author of the chapter on Adaptation and Sustainable Development in the third assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and was one of the coordinating lead authors of Interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation in the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report (2007).

Professor Huq has been named among the “World’s 100 Most Influential People in Climate Policy for 2019” for making a positive difference by The Apolitical, a London-based public servants’ networking group. He was among the contributors of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which received the Nobel Peace Price in 2007. He was the recipient of the Burtoni Award for his contribution to capacity building in climate change negotiation of the developing countries, He received Robert McNamara Fellowship from World Bank, Washington DC, USA and Duggan Fellowship from NRDC, Washington DC.

Hosted on 03/03/2021 by Dr. Girlio Marini (University Collee London)

The presentation reported career paths of academics in the post-1992 in Britain, the findings are based on a project undertaken by Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE)  at University College London.

Hosted on 27/01/2021 by Professor Thomas Durand. 

Thomas Durand- Professor of Strategic Management, Head of the Strategy Department and International Institute of Management at CNAM in Paris.

His research interests focus on organizational competence, technology strategy, intrapreneurship, national systems of innovation, public policies for R&D and the management of innovation. His publications gravitate around the collective ability of organizations to build capabilities to design, feed and shape their strategies in a context of change. Over the last 15 years, he has also been studying extensively Business Schools and the future of management education and research.

He is the former President of European Academy of Management (EURAM), French Management Society (SFM) and Association Internationale de Management Sratégique (AIMS). He has been awarded fellowship by EURAM and British Academy of Management (BAM).

Beyond his academic activities, he founded CMI, a strategy consultancy firm and worked extensively for large manufacturing companies. He is a columnist whose videos on management and strategy are broadcasted on Xerfi Canal.

Hosted on 09/12/2020 by Professor Peter McKiernan. 

Professor Peter McKiernan is an internationally renowned expert on Management, Strategy and Marketing. He had an extensive career as an academic and practitioner. Currently, he operates as a part time professor at Strathclyde, and he holds the APS Bank Chair in Strategy at the University of Malta and an Adjunct Professorship at the University of Notre Dame, Australia. In addition, he is the recipient of research fellowships of the Asian Research Centre at Murdoch University, Australia and the Centre for Leadership Innovation and Creativity at HHL (Leipzig).

Prof. Dr. McKiernan has been President of the British Academy of Management (BAM) and of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). Prof. Dr. McKiernan’s research focus is on how organisations learn about how their future might unfold and how they might prepare their current strategies to cope. Over the years, his research output has covered organisational turnaround, fast growing SMEs, sector studies and public policy.

Prof. Dr. McKiernan will be gracing us with a seminar session titled; “Transforming Doctoral Education through Responsible Research”.

Hosted on 09/12/2020 by Senior Lecturer Elina Meliou (Aston Business School).

Elina Meliou, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at Aston Business School, Aston University. Her research  examines how the actions of actors are shaped through subjective experiences in complex social and organizational contexts and has contributed to debates on gender and inequalities at work, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Elina has led a number of competitive research grants funded by the British Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences and the British Academy of Management. She is the co-convener of GIBS (Gender Issues in Business Schools), a newly formed PhD and early career researchers network.

Her work has appeared in journals such as Human Relations, Work, Employment and Society,  Gender, Work and Organization, International Small Business Journal, and Equality Diversity and Inclusion. She is a member of  the Editorial Board of Work Employment and Society and has acted as guest editor for Public Money and Management. She currently co-edits a  special issue on ‘Social Diversity and Precarious Organizations’ for Organization Studies, and a book on diversity and precarious work by Cambridge University Press.

Hosted on 22/07/2020 by Professor Wafa Khlif (Toulouse Business School)

Wafa Khlif is a professor of Management Accounting at Toulouse Business School, Barcelona, Spain. At Toulouse Business School, Wafa teaching focuses on Management Control, Financial and Managerial Accounting, and Research in Management Control. Wafa’s research interests are in board of directors’ efficiency, corporate board roles, duties and composition and issues in accounting and audit. She is a former president of the Accounting Tunisian Association, and acted as Faculty Dean at ISCAE, University of Manouba, Tunisia.

She sat as a director on the Francophone Accounting Association board. She has published in International Business Journal, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Journal of African Business and Society and Business Review.

Hosted on 02/07/2020 by Professor Thomas Clarke (UTS Business School).

Thomas Clarke is Professor of Management at UTS Business School at the University of Technology Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). Formerly he was Director of the Key University Strength UTS Centre for Corporate Governance, Chair of the Academic Board at UTS, and a member of the University Council.

In the UK, he was DBM Professor of Corporate Governance at Leeds Business School and a member of the Royal Society of Arts, Industry and Manufacture (RSA), Tomorrow’s Company Inquiry into the sources of sustainable business success, drafting the original position paper for the Inquiry, and directing the national conference.

Some of Thomas’ research areas focus in the changing roles of company boards and directors, women board of directors, international comparative corporate governance, corporate governance and innovation, governance and regulation of the financial institutions, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, and the development of the knowledge based economy.

Thomas teaches in the areas of MBA and EMBA corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and sustainability. He has extensive experience in international executive education in the areas of corporate governance, board and director development in the UK, France, Switzerland, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Brazil and Mexico.

Thomas will be running a seminar on ‘The reconceptualisation of board of directors’ duties. We will also have the opportunity to ask him questions about his successful academic journey around the world.


Hosted on 17/06/2020 by Professor Alessandro Zattoni (Dean of Dean of the Business and Management Department at LUISS University, Rome.

Alessandro Zattoni is a Professor of Strategy and Dean of the Business and Management Department at LUISS University, Rome. He has taught strategy and corporate governance in programs offered to graduate, MBA and PhD students, entrepreneurs, managers, and directors at Bocconi University, SDA Bocconi, LUISS University, and LUISS Business School. He won twice the best teaching award for master courses of SDA Bocconi, and one for Master of Science courses offered at Bocconi University.

He published more than 100 articles and books on corporate governance. He received a best paper award from Corporate Governance: An International Review, Economia & Management, and SDA Bocconi School of Management. He received a best paper award from Corporate Governance: An International Review, Economia & Management, and SDA Bocconi School of Management.

Hosted on 08/06/2020 by Professor Morten Huse. 

Morten Huse is a Professor of Organisation and Management at the Norwegian Business School, Norway, and Professor and Reinhard-Mohn-Chair of Management and Corporate Governance at the University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany.

Morten’s research interests are in the boards of directors with focus on value creation, strategic and entrepreneurial management and the human side of corporate governance. His research also extends into women directors and governance in SMEs and family firms. Other research interests include church leadership, entrepreneurship, CSR and ethics.

Hosted on 16/03/2020 by Dr. Jae-Yeon Kim. 

Dr. Jae-Yeon Kim is a Research Fellow of Enterprise Research Centre at Warwick Business School and former Infantry Officer of the South Korean Army.  He works with local/national stakeholders on issues relating to inward investment and economic development. His current roles are analysing the economic impact of Coventry City of Culture 2021 and inward foreign direct investment (FDI) in the West Midlands area focusing on local economic development strategy and sectoral strength.


Hosted on 9/03/2020 by Ms Rose Gardner.

Rose’s working life spans the decades which have seen sustainability emerge from being a niche discipline to one which is now seen by many, as mainstream.

Rose charted her colourful journey, sharing examples of partnerships, programmes, key influencers and influences and most important of all, IMPACT. The session included some interactive elements providing an opportunity to engage and get involved.

Rose is the Founder of Innovation and Engagement.  She provides support to a wide range of clients in the public, private and third sector. Rose is an experienced facilitator and coach. She is a creative problem solver and enjoys seeking innovative and sustainable solutions to social and environmental issues. Rose spent 30 years in the Corporate sector; the first fifteen in marketing, followed by fifteen years in the energy industry, in CSR.

Hosted on 11/10/2019 by Professor Uwe Jirjahn (University of Trier, Germany).

Based on the German Workplace Survey, this representation revealed training discrimination towards 50+ workers in Germany.

Hosted on 28/05/2019 by Dr Hundal Shabnamjit.

Several characteristics of modern-day corporate boards of directors, such as age, experience, busyness, ownership, can influence the financial performance, quality of financial reporting and the capital structure of firms.

Several institutional and regulatory factors play an important role in the appointment of the board of directors. Boards of directors are considered as the resource-providers to corporates in terms of planning, strategy, control, and leadership. However, do they really come up to expectations?

It is important to reinvestigate the role of the board of directors in the wake of ever-changing corporate backdrop since their role came under the scanner during corporate bankruptcies at the beginning of 21st century and the financial crisis of 2007-08Journal, International Small Business Journal,

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Corporate Governance: An International Review, and Management Learning.

Hosted on 03/04/2019 by Dr Grahame Fallon, Brunel University. 

Dr Fallon’s research is eclectic, covering international business, applied economics and international marketing as well as a number of related fields of interest, including: international and European political economy, institutional economics, new economic geography and entrepreneurship in the developed and emerging market and the post-communist country contexts.

His current areas of research involve examining the inward investment strategies of technologically intensive Chinese state-owned enterprises in the UK; the impact of Brexit on cross-border foreign direct investment flows between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic; the strategic determinants of foreign direct investment in English Premier League football clubs; the formal institutional constraints on entrepreneurship and SMEs in Kazakhstan; the contribution of foreign-owned international businesses to cluster development and related spillover effects in Russia; and the reasons why UK voters chose leave in the 2016 UK Brexit referendum, in defiance of their apparent economic self-interest.