Publications from the Education Observatory
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- Cavalcante, A., de Olinda, R., Gomes, A., Traxler, J., Smith, M. & Santos, S. (2020) Spatial modelling of the infestation indices of Aedes aegypti: an innovative strategy for vector control actions in developing countries. Parasites & Vectors 13(197)
- Earl, L. and Lalli, G. (2020) Healthy meals, better learners - Debating the focus of school food policy in England, British Journal of Sociology of Education (online)
- Hayes, S., Jopling, M., Hayes, D.Westwood, A., Tuckett, A. and Barnett, R. (2020) Raising Regional Academic Voices (Alongside Data) in Higher Education (HE) Debate. Postdigit Sci Educ (online)
- Jandrić, P., Jaldemark, J., Hurley, Z., Bartram, B., Matthews, A., Jopling, M., Mañero , J. MacKenzie, A., Irwin, J.,Rothmüller, N., Green, B., Ralston, S.J., Pyyhtinen, O., Hayes, S., Wright, J., Peters, M.A. & Tesar, M. (2020) Philosophy of education in a new key: Who remembers Greta Thunberg? Education and environment after the coronavirus, Educational Philosophy and Theory, doi:
- Jandrić, P and Hayes, S. (2020). Postdigital We-Learn. Studies in Philosophy and Education (online)
- Jandrić, P., Hayes, D., Truelove, I., […] Jopling, M., Hayes, S. et al. Teaching in the Age of Covid-19. Postdigital Science and Education 2, 1069–1230 (2020).
- Lavender, P and Tuckett, A (2020) 'Inspired by Freire: From Literacy to Community. How the Ideas of Paulo Freire Shaped Work in the UK' The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, The Adult Learner 2020, Dublin: AONTAS The National Adult Learning Organisation, pp 31-50
- Qaddumi, H., Bartram, B. and Qashmar, A. (2020) Evaluating the impact of ICT on teaching and learning: A study of Palestinian students’ and teachers’ perceptions, Education and Information Technologies (online)
- Royle, K., (2020) What’s Good What’s Bad? Conceptualising Teaching and Learning Methods as Technologies Using Actor Network Theory in the Context of Palestinian Higher Education. Postdigital Science and Education.
- Santos, S., Smania-Marques, R., Albino, V., Dutra Fernandes, I., Mangueira, F., Altafim, R., Olinda, R., Smith, M. & Traxler, J. (2020) A School-Based Intervention for Arboviruses in Northeastern Brazil (ZikaMob)
- Traxler, J. & Smith, M. (2020) Data for development: shifting research methodologies for Covid-19. Journal of Learning for Development 7(3):306-325
- Traxler, J. (2020). Inclusion, Measurement and Relevance… and Covid-19. Postdigital Science and Education
- Tuckett, A. (2020) Resisting neoliberalism in education: Local, national and Transnational perspectives, International Journal of Lifelong Education (online)
- Ward, G. and Scott, S. (2020) Negotiating the Daily Mile Challenge; Looking-like a walking break from the classroom, Sport, Education and Society (online only)
- Williams-Brown, Z. (2020) The Early Years Pupil Premium: practitioner’s perspectives on if the funding supports ‘closing the gap’ for Looked-After Children? Early Child Development and Care (online)
- Williams-Brown, Z. and Jopling, M. (2020) Measuring a plant doesn’t help it to grow: teachers’ perspectives on the standards agenda. Education 3-13 (online)
- Williams-Brown, Z. and Hodkinson, A. (2020) ‘What is considered good for everyone may not be good for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: teacher’s perspectives on inclusion in England. Education 3-13. DOI:
- Cormier, D., Jandrić, P., Childs, M., Hall, R., White, D., Phipps, L., Truelove, I., Hayes, S., and Fawns, T. (2019) Ten Years of the Postdigital in the 52group: Reflections and Developments 2009–2019, Postdigital Science and Education, 1(2),475-506.
- Gaywood D, Bertram T and Pascal C (2019) Involving refugee children in research: conceptualisation and positioning issues for a doctoral practitioner researcher. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(1), Special issue, ECEC in Contemporary Super-Diverse Societies: Challenges and New Perspectives Concerning Migrants and Refugee Children and their Families.
- Hall, V. (2019) Reclaiming student voice(s): Constituted through process or embedded in practice?, Cambridge Journal of Education (Online).
- Jandrić P. and Hayes, S. (2019). The postdigital challenge of redefining education from the margins. Learning, Media and Technology.
- Jandrić P., Hayes, S., et al, (2019) Between the Blabbering Noise of Individuals or the Silent Dialogue of Many: a Collective Response to ‵Postdigital Science and Education′. Postdigital Science and Education.
- Jopling, M. (2019) How neoliberal policy inhibits partnership-building in the primary phase: a new social movements approach,Power and Education, 11(3), 252-267.
- Lalli, G. (2019) School mealtime and social learning in England, Cambridge Journal of Education (online)
- Lewis, L. and Spandler, H. (2019), ‘Breaking down boundaries? Exploring shared art-making in an open studio mental health setting, Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 10(1): 9-23.
- Lyndon H., Bertram T., Brown Z. and PascalL C. (2019) Pedagogically mediated listening practices; the development of pedagogy through the development of trust. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 27(3): 360-370
- Pascal C. (2019) Editorial, Contested Spaces in Early Childhood Research: Advocating a Dialogic Approach, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 27(2): 153-156
- Saville, K. M., Birdi, G, K. Hayes, S., Higson, H., and Eperjesi, F. E. (2019). Using Strengths-Based Approaches to Fulfil Academic Potential in Degree Apprenticeships. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning (online)
- Thompson, D (2019) Aspirations and ambiguities – the need for focused IAG for school pupils considering progression to higher education (HE), Taylor and Francis Online (online only)
- Sutherland, M., Thompson, D., Erdisingha, P. Try before you buy: a small business employer (SME) perspective of international student mobility in England. Studies in Higher Education (online only)
- Traxler, J. (2019) Only Connect: Indigenous Digital Learning, Interaction Design & Architecture(s), 41: 7-23
- Traxler, J., Khalif, Z., Nevill, A., Affouneh, S., Salha, S., Zuhd, A., & Trayek, F. (2019) Living under occupation: Palestinian teachers’ experiences and their digital responses. Research in Learning Technology, 27
- Traxler, J., Read, T., Kukulska-Hulme, A. & Barcena, E. (2019) Paradoxical Paradigm Proposal, Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 07(02): 89–109
- Todd, N. and Tuckett, A (2019) ‘A national education service for adults too’, Forum 65(2); 265-73.
- Ward, G., & Scott, D. (2019) Lived experiences of undergraduate Physical Education students studying gymnastics and dance education, Sport, Education and Society (online only)
- Williams-Brown, Z., Rhoades, G., Smith, M. and Thompson, D. (2019) Aspiring to Higher Education? Choice, complexity and confidence in secondary students' decision-making. Educational Futures, 10(1)
- Bartram, B. (2018) International Students in the Age of Trump and Brexit: Implications, Constructions and Trends, Journal of International Students, 8(4): 1479-1482
- Bartram, B. (2018) University Students and Emotional Bargaining - a Comparative Study of Staff Perspectives in Northern Europe, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 23(2): 266-283
- Bartram, B., Hathaway, T. & Rao, N. (2018) Understandings of ‘Teaching Excellence’ in Higher Education: A comparative study of English and Australian academics’ perspectives, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(9): 1284-1298.
- Brown, Z. (2018) Good in theory, bad in practice: practitioners’ perspectives on the early years pupil premium in England, Early Child Development and Care (online)
- Fretwell, N. Osgood, J., O’ Toole, G., Tsouroufli, M. (2018) ‘Governing through Trust: Community-based link workers and parental engagement in education’, British Educational Research Journal, 44(6): 1047-1063
- Hadfield, M. & Jopling M. (2018) Case study as a means of evaluating the impact of early years leaders: steps, paths and routes, Evaluation and Program Planning, 67, 167-176.
- Hayes, S. (2018). Invisible labour: Do we need to reoccupy student engagement policy?. Learning and Teaching, 11(1): 19-34.
- Hayes, S., Jopling, M. and Gul, R. (2018) What have the changes made to primary and secondary assessment frameworks since 2014 done to the 'London effect' in school performance?London Review of Education, 16(3): 491-506.
- Jandrić, P., Knox, J., Besley, T., Ryberg, T., Suoranta, J., & Hayes, S. (2018). Postdigital science and education. Educational Philosophy and Theory
- Jandrić, P., Ryberg, T., Knox, J., Lacković, N., Hayes, S., Suoranta, J., Smith, M., Steketee, A., Peters, M., McLaren, P., Ford, D. R., Asher, G., McGregor, C., Stewart, G., Williamson, B. and Gibbons, A. (2018). Postdigital Dialogue. Postdigital Science and Education, 1-27.
- Jopling, M. (2018) Is there a North–South divide between schools in England?Management in Education 33(1): 37-40.
- Pascal C and Bertram T (2018) Bold Beginnings…Down the Wrong Path, Every Child Journal, 6.5: 10-14
- Pascal C and Bertram T (2018) Creativity and Critical Thinking, Teaching Times, May 2018.
- Pascal C and Bertram T (2018) Effective Early Learning: A Praxeological and Participatory Approach to Evaluating and Improving Quality in Early Childhood Education, Revista da FAEEBA. Educação Contemporaneidade 27(51): 105-120
- Peters, M. A., Jandrić, P. and Hayes, S. (2018). ‘The curious promise of educationalising technological unemployment: What can places of learning really do about the future of work?’ Journal of Educational Philosophy and Theory
- Ritzer, G., Jandrić, P., & Hayes, S. (2018). The velvet cage of educational con (pro) sumption. Open Review of Educational Research.
- Rocks, E. & Lavender, P. (2018) Exploring Transformative Journeys through a Higher Education Programme in a Further Education College, Education + Training
- Scott, D. (2018) The confidence delusion: a sociological exploration of participants’ confidence in sport-for-development, International Review for the Sociology of Sport (online only)
- Starr, S. (2018), Thinking of converting.... some reflections. School leadership, 54
- Temple Clothier, A. and Matheson, D. (2018) Using Co-creation as a Pedagogic Method for the Professional Development of Students undertaking a BA (Hons) in Education Studies, Journal of Further and Higher Education.
- Traxler, J. (2018) Community MOOCs – Back to Basics, Back to the Future in D. Jansen OpenupEd Report: Latest Trends on MOOCs
- Traxler, J. (2018) Digital Literacy: a Palestinian refugee perspective, Research in Learning Technology, 26: 1–21
- Traxler, J. (2018) Learning with mobiles: The global south, Research in Comparative & International Education, 13(1): 152-175
- Traxler, J. (2018) Mobile Learning: The Philosophical Challenges, Problems and Implications of Defining and Theorising, South African Journal for Open and Distance Learning Practice, 38(1): 17-33
- Traxler, J. (2018) Using OER in Asia: Factors and Possibilities, Asian Journal of Distance Education, 13(2): 7–19
- Traxler, J. (2018) Learning with Mobiles in the Digital Age, Pedagogika, Special Monothematic Issue: Education Futures for the Digital Age: Theory and Practice, 68(3), 293-310
- Traxler, J. (2018) Distance Learning – Predictions and Possibilities, Education Sciences, 8(1), 35
- Traxler, J. & De Melo Barros, M. A., (2018) Mobile learning in undergraduate science education students. Enseñanza de las ciencias, 725-730
- Tsouroufli, M. (2018) ‘Gender and classed performances of good mother and academic professional in Greek academia’, European Journal of Women’s Studies.
- Tsouroufli, M. (2018) ‘Playing it right?’ Gendered performances of professional respectability and ‘authenticity’ in Greek academia’, Journal of International Women’s Studies, 19(1)
- Tsouroufli, M. (2018) Gender, Pedagogical identities and academic professionalism in Greek Medical Schools, Gender and Education, 30(1): 45-78.
- Tuckett, A. (2018) ‘Adult education for a change: Advocacy, learning festivals, migration, and the pursuit of equity and social justice’, Journal of Adult Continuing Education (online only)
- Wright, V. (2018) Exploring transitions in notions of identity as perceived by beginning post-compulsory teachers, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 23(1): 4-22.
- Ward, G and Quennerstedt, M. (2018) Curiosity killed by SATs: An investigation of primary school maths lessons, Education 3-13
- Brewster, S., Duncan, N., Emira, M. & Clifford A. (2017) Personal sacrifice and corporate cultures: career progression for disabled staff in higher education, Disability and Society, 32(7): 1027-1042.
- Brown, Z. Edwards, T. and Perkins, H. (2017) The placement journey: Do year one placement modules support Childhood Studies students’ professional development?, Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 23(2): 162-177
- Hayes, S. and Jandrić P. (2018). Resisting the iron cage of ‘the student experience’. Solsko polje
- Matheson, D. & Matheson-Monnet, C. (2017) Wikipedia as informal self-education for clinical decision-making in medical practice, Open Medicine Journal, 4: 15-25
- Pascal C. (2017), Editorial, Standing up for Democracy, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 25(1):1-3
- Royle, K. (2017) Resilience Programmes and their Place in Education, a Critical Review with Reference to Interventions in Wolverhampton, Journal of Education and Human Development 6(1): 53-65
- Temple Clotheri, A. & Matheson, D. (2017) Using co-creation as a pedagogic method for the professional development of students undertaking a BA (Hons) in Education Studies, Journal of Further and Higher Education.
- Smith, M. (2017) Using andragogy to teach pedagogy: expecting heutagogy - using against-the-grain teaching practices for desired outcomes. Research in Teacher Education 7(1)
- Thompson, D.W. (2017) “I know what to expect next time…”: How Valuable is “short project” Placement Experience to Higher Education Students?, Journal of Further & Higher Education, 41(3): 413-424.
- Thompson, D.W. (2017) Widening participation research and practice in the United Kingdom on the twentieth anniversary of the Dearing report, reflections on a changing landscape, Educational Review, 71(2): 182-197
- Tuckett, A. (2017) The rise and fall of life-wide learning in England, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 36(1-2): 230-249.
- Vincent, S. & Jopling, M. (2017) The health and wellbeing of children and young people who are looked after: Findings from a face to face survey in Glasgow, Health and Social Care in the Community, 26(2): 182-190.
- Bartram, B. (2020) Exploring International and Comparative Education, in C.A. Simon & S. Ward A Student’s Guide to Education Studies, London: Routledge
- Bartram, B. (2020) Queering the TEF, in A. French & K. Carruthers Thomas Challenging the Teaching Excellence Framework: Diversity Deficits in Higher Education Evaluations, Bingley: Emerald
- Bartram, B. (2020) Understanding Contemporary Issues in Higher Education: Contradictions, Complexities and Challenges, Abingdon: Routledge
- Beattie, A. B. & Hayes, S. (2020) ‘Whose domain and whose ontology? Preserving human radical reflexivity over the efficiency of automatically generated feedback alone’, Mobility, Data and Learner Agency in Networked Learning. Springer.
- Brewster, S. and Thompson, D. (2020). Chapter 12. Disability, diversity and inclusive placement learning. In Bartram, B. (Ed). Understanding contemporary issues in higher education. Contradictions, complexities, and challenges. Routledge. London.
- Smith, M. & Gurton, P. (2020) Flipping the classroom in ITE. In Z. Walker and D. Tan (eds.). Flipped Classrooms with Diverse Learners: An International Perspective: London. Springer Publications
- Williams-Brown, Z. and Mander, S. (2020) Childhood wellbeing and resilience: influences on educational outcomes. London: Routledge
- Williams-Brown, Z. Daly, J. Jopling, M. and Aston, A. (2020) What does resilience mean to children? in, Williams-Brown, Z. and Mander, S. (eds) Childhood wellbeing and resilience: influences on educational outcomes. London: Routledge
- Bartram, B. (2019) Using questionnaires. In: M. Lambert (Ed.) Practical Research Methods in Education: An Early Researcher’s Critical Guide. Abingdon: Routledge
- Brown, Z. and Rhoades, G. (2019) Q-Methodology: seeking communalities in perspectives of young children and practitioners, in, Brown, Z. and Perkins, H. (ed.) Using Innovative Research Methods in Early Years Research: Beyond the Conventional. London: Routledge
- Brown. Z. and Perkins, H. (2019) Using Innovative Research Methods in Early Years Research: Beyond the Conventional. London: Routledge
- Connor, S. Mahoney, M. and Lewis, N. (2019) Anticipating a 4th Industrial Revolution and the Futures of Learning: A discussion paper for Wolverhampton Learning City Region. Education Observatory: University of Wolverhampton
- Hayes, S. (2019) ‘Employable posthumans’: developing HE policies that strengthen human technological collaboration not separation. In Peters, M. A.; Jandrić, P.; & Means, A. J. (Eds.). Education and Technological Unemployment. Springer.
- Hayes, S. (2019) The Labour of Words in Higher Education: is it time to reoccupy policy? Brill
- Hayward, M. and Jopling, M. (2019) (eds.) ResearchSEND in Ordinary Classrooms. John Catt Publishing. Woodbridge: John Catt Educational.
- Heads, L. and Jopling, M. (2019) Listening to young children via messy, playful research, in Brown, Z. and Perkins, H. (eds.) Using innovative methods in early years research: Beyond the conventional. London: Routledge, 77-91.
- Jopling, M. (2019) Vulnerable children at school: Lessons from England, in Zimmerman, D., Fickler-Stang, Weiland, K. and Dietrich, L. (eds.) Professionalisierung für Unterricht und Beziehungsarbeit mit psychosozial beeinträchtigten Kindern und Jugendlichen. Berlin: Dialog, 158-168.
- Jopling, M. (2019) Using quantitative data: An introduction in Lambert, M. (ed.) Practical Research Methods in Education. London: Routledge, 55-66.
- Kukulska-Hulme, A. and Traxler, J. (2019). Design principles for learning with mobile devices, in Beetham, H. and Sharpe, R. eds. Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing for 21st Century Learning. 3rd edition. Routledge
- Layer, G. and Tuckett, A. (2019) From the 1919 report to learning regions: networks of providers offering adult learning opportunities’, in Holford, J. (ed.) Adult education 100: Reflections and reconstructions, Conference proceedings. Nottingham: SCUTREA/University of Nottingham,75-82.
- Lalli, G. (2019) Schools, Food and Social Learning, Abingdon: Routledge
- Lewis, L. (2019), Adult Community Learning, Wellbeing and Mental Health Recovery. In R. Papa and D. Matheson (Eds.), Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education, New York: Springer
- Lewis, L. (2019), Creative Arts Adult Community Learning. In Paul Crawford, Brian Brown & Andrea Charise (Eds.), The Companion to Health Humanities, Taylor and Francis/Routledge.
- Matheson-Monnet, C and Matheson, D (2019) Les facteurs qui influencent le choix de traitement ou l’éducation des patients et leurs proches pour le choix de traitement en pleine connaissance de cause, IN Djeumeni Tchamabe, M, Voulgre, E, Groux, D, Nyebe Atangana, S (eds) Quelle Ecole pour demain : enjeux, priorités et défis.Paris : L’Harmattan, 203-208
- Pascal C. (2019) Editorial, Contested Spaces in Early Childhood Research: Advocating a Dialogic Approach, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 27(2): 153-156
- Rao, A., Parekh, P., Traxler, J., & Ling, R. (2018). Trust and Open Development. In Chib, A., Smith, M., & Bentley, C. (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Open Development: Empirical Interrogation of Theory Construction. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Rhoades, G. and Brown, Z. (2019) Q-methodology: A science of subjectivity, in, Lambert, M. (ed.) Practical Research Methods in Education: An Early Researchers Critical Guide. London: Routledge
- Royle, K. (2019) Opening Spaces for the Development of Human Agency with Problem Based Learning in Palestinian Higher Education In: Lorna Uden, Dario Liberona, Galo Sanchez, Sara Rodríguez-González (Eds.), Learning Technology for Education ChallengesCommunications in Computer and Information Science, 1011, 260-278
- Starr, S. (2019), It shouldn’t take 40 years to create a SEND Leader, should it?
- Traxler, J. (2019) Wearables: the Bigger Picture in I. Buchem, R. Klamma & F. Wild (eds) Perspectives on Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL), Holland: Springer
- Traxler, J. (2019) Learning with Mobiles or Mobile Learning in R. Ling, Y. Li, G. Grogan, R. Ling, L. Fortunati (eds), Handbook of Mobile Communication, Culture, and Information, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
- Tuckett, A. (2019) ‘Lifelong learning and ‘the educational dimensions’ of daily life and work’ in Von Nuissl, E. ed ‘Paulo Federighi: A festschrift’, Bonn, DIE.
- Williams-Brown, Z. and Daly, J. (2019) The ‘resilient’ child: defining and supporting children’s resilience in educational practice in, Ward, S. and Simon, C. (ed.) A Student's Guide to Education Studies. London: Routledge
- Williams-Brown, Z. and Winwood, J. (2019) The inclusion agenda: is it practically possible in mainstream primary schools? in, Ward, S. and Simon, C. (ed.) A Student's Guide to Education Studies. London: Routledge
- Williams-Brown, Z. and Hodkinson, A. (2019) ‘Development of Inclusive Education in England: Impact on Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’. In: R. Papa (ed), Springer Handbook on promoting social justice in education. London: Springer
- Bartram, B. (2018) Some Final Reflections on Educational Comparison. In Bartram, B. International and Comparative Education: Contemporary Issues and Debates, Abingdon: Routledge
- Brown, Z. & Ward, S. (eds.) (2018) Contemporary Issues in Childhood. Abingdon: Routledge, 3-14.
- Hafford-Letchfield, T. & Lavender, P. (2018) The Benefits of Giving: Learning in the Fourth Age and the Role of Volunteer Learning Mentors, In Melling, A. & Pilkington, R. (eds.) Paulo Freire and Transformative Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Rozsahegyi, T. and Lambert, M. (2018) Pedagogical outlooks underpinning early years education and workforce training in England and Hungary., in Bartram, B. (ed.) International and Comparative Education: Contemporary Issues and Debates. Abingdon: Routledge, 21-34.
- Jandrić, P. & Hayes, S. (2018). ‘Future Approaches in Using Art-Based Research from Human Experience’. In R.W. Prior (Ed.). Using Art as Research in Learning & Teaching: Multidisciplinary approaches across the arts. Bristol (UK): Intellectbooks.
- Pascal C and Bertram T (2018) Innovative policies for ECE provision in eight countries: findings from the IEA early childhood education study. In Pascal C, Bertram T. and Veisson M. (Eds) (2018), Early Childhood Education and Change in Diverse Cultural Contexts, 9-22, Routledge Education: Oxford.
- Pascal C, Bertram T (2018) Exploring notions of change and innovation in early childhood education, In Pascal C, Bertram T. and Veisson M. (Eds) (2018), Early Childhood Education and Change in Diverse Cultural Contexts, 3-7, Routledge Education: Oxford
- Pascal C, Bertram T, Parr J, Goodman and Irvine A (2018) Pedagogic leadership within complex and changing ECEC systems. In Cheeseman S and R Walker (eds.) Pedagogies for Leading Practice Volume 1 in the series Thinking about Pedagogy in Early Education, Routledge Education: Oxford
- Pascal, C. and Bertram, T. (2018) The life of a Polymath: Shared Threads of Thinking and Action, in (2018) Hayes N and Urban M (Eds) In Search of Social Justice: John Bennett's Lifetime Contribution Routledge Education: Oxford
- Starr, S. (2018) The technical and vocational provision in England: a comparative study with the Austrian secondary system, Bartram, B. (ed.) International and Comparative Education: Contemporary Issues and Debates. Abingdon: Routledge, 21-34.
- Traxler, J. (2018) Language, Learning & Mobility in T. Tinnefeld (ed), Foreign Language Teaching in the 21st Century - Learners 2.0 - Methods 3.0 - Challenges 4.0, Saarbrücken, Germany: Saarland University of Applied Sciences, 11-24
- Traxler, J. Read, T. & Barcena, E. (2018) Refugees from MENA Learning Languages – Progress, Principles and Proposals in H. Reinders, C. Coombe, A. Littlejohn, D. Tafazoli (eds), Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa, London: Palgrave MacMillan
- Tsouroufli, M. (2018) ‘An examination of the Athena SWAN initiative: critical reflections’, in Crimmins, G. (eds.) Strategies for resisting sexism in the academy: Higher Education, Gender and Neoliberalism. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Tuckett, A., Schuller, T. and Wilson, T. (2018) A National Learning Entitlement: Moving Beyond University Tuition Fees, Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies
- Ward, G. (2018) Moving beyond Sport in Primary Physical Education, In Griggs, G. and Petrie, K. (Eds) The Handbook of Primary Physical Education, Abingdon: Routledge
- Bartram, B. (ed.) (2017) International and Comparative Education: Contemporary Issues and Debates. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Branch, J., Hayes, S., Hørsted, A., Nygaard, C. (eds.) (2017) Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Oxford: Libri
- Crompton, H. & Traxler, J. (eds) (2017) Mobile Learning in Higher Education: the Critical Contextual Challenges, New York, NY: Routledge
- Grant, T, Clark, U, Reershemius, G, Pollard, D, Hayes, S, and Plappert, G. (2017) Quantitative Research Methods for Linguistics. London: Taylor & Francis.
- Hayes, S (2017) ‘Introducing the concept of “a corresponding curriculum” to transform academic identity and practice’ In Learning Centred Curriculum Design. Libri
- Hayes, S. (2017) ‘Beyond engagement and enhancement – piloting a ‘digital student partnership’ to co-teach academic staff on our Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education’. In Branch, J., Hayes, S., Hørsted, A., Nygaard, C. (eds.) Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Oxford: Libri
- Jandrić, P. & Hayes, S. (2017). ‘Who Drives the Drivers? Technology as Ideology of Global Educational Reform’. The 2017 Handbook of Global Educational Reform. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Lamb, J., Bartholomew, P. & Hayes, S. (2017). ‘Transnational Academic Staff Development: Cultural, Practical and Policy Challenges In Branch, J., Hørsted, A., Nygaard, C. (Eds) Globalisation in Higher Education Libri
- Parkes, G. & Hayes, S. (2017). ‘Bridging the TNE Challenge’. In Branch, J., Hørsted, A., Nygaard, C. (Eds) Globalisation in Higher Education’. Libri
- Pascal C, Bertram A.D. and Veisson M. (eds.) (2018), Early Childhood Education and Change in Diverse Cultural Contexts, Routledge Education: Oxford
- Pope, E., Ladwa & Hayes, S. (2017). ‘Improving retention’. In: Where Next for Widening Participation and Fair Access?Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI)/ Brightside.
- Traxler, J. (2017), Context and Questions in D. Herro, S. Arafeh, R. Ling & C. Holden (eds) Mobile Learning: Perspectives on Practice and Policy, USA: Information Age Publishing
- Tuckett, A., 2017, How national, regional and global associations influence adult learning policy, in Knox, A., Conceição, S. & Martin, L. (eds.) Mapping the field of adult continuing education, An International Compendium. Vol.4 Inquiry and Influences. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus, 517-521.
- Tuckett, A., 2017, How national, regional and global associations influence adult learning policy, in Knox, A., Conceição, S. & Martin, L. (eds.) Mapping the field of adult continuing education, An International Compendium. Vol.4 Inquiry and Influences. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus, 517-521.
Reports are available to download and view here
- Hayes, S. (2020) Bourdieu and Teacher Education. Encyclopaedia of Teacher Education Springer
- Hayes, S. (2020) Sociological Imagination in Postdigital Society. Encyclopaedia of Educational Innovation Springer
- Pascal C and Bertram T (2020) Evaluation of Early Years Scout Programme, Amber Publications: Birmingham
- Hayes, S. (2019) Regional voices in national policymaking. Wonkhe
- Pascal C, Bertram T and Rouse L. (2019) Getting it Right in the Early Years Foundation Stage: A Review of the Evidence, Early Education: London
- Pascal C, Bertram T and Peckham K (2019) Review of the Evidence: EYFS Early learning Goals, Teaching Content and Pedagogy in Reception Year, in DfE: Analytical Associate Pool Summary of recent small-scale research projects June 2019: London
- Royle, K. (2019) Opening Spaces for the Development of Human Agency with Problem Based Learning in Palestinian Higher Education. In: Uden L., Liberona D., Sanchez G., Rodríguez-González S. (eds) Learning Technology for Education Challenges. LTEC 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1011. Springer, Cham
- Thompson, D (2019) How to de-programme a student, Wonkhe
- Tuckett, A. (2019) Now is the time for change in adult education policy, TES News
- Tuckett, A. (2019) Why has England seemingly set out to destroy adult learning?, FE Week
- Tuckett, A. (2019) Reasons to be cheerful for adult education, NEC
- Tuckett, A. (2019) ‘We need both vocational and community education’ TES Online
- Tuckett, A. (2019) ‘Adult education is on its knees: ‘Let’s hope when the dust settles on the General Election, policy makers take heed’, invited blog, NEC
- Tuckett, A. (2019) ‘The Centenary Commission on adult education’ Basic & Workplace Skills Bulletin, 351, 9
- Tuckett, A. (2019) ‘The Centenary Commission on Adult Education’, Education Journal, 393, 25
- Tuckett, A. (2020) ‘Raising our voices, telling our story’, invited blog, UNESCO UIL
- Blunkett, D., & Tuckett, A. (2018) Cast off the wet blanket smothering adult education, TES, 56-7
- Hayes, S. (2018). Widening participation and social mobility applies to university staff as well as students Wonkhe
- Hayes, S. and Wilson, C. (2018). Being ‘resourceful’ in academic engagement with parliament Wonkhe
- Lewis, L. (2018) Research project examines creative practice, mutuality and mental health, Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe Blog
- Pascal C, Bertram T and Peckham K (2018) Integrated Early Years Systems: A Review of International Evidence, Welsh Centre for Public Policy: Cardiff
- Traxler, J. (2018) Community MOOCs – Back to Basics, Back to the Future in D. Jansen OpenupEd Report: Latest Trends on MOOCs, 22-26
- Tuckett, A. (2018) On awards and public recognition, PASCAL, International PIMA Newsletter, 15-16
- Tuckett, A. (2018) Let vital research reach the teachers, Intuition Research, 23, 2
- Tuckett, A. (2018) Evidence to the House of Lords Standing Committee on Economics Inquiry into the funding of further, higher and technical education
- Tuckett, A. (2018) The world of work is changing: we need more adult education not less, The Guardian
- Tuckett, A. & Field, J. (2018) The Learning Age - 20 years on, Quest, 1, 10
- Tuckett, A. (2018) Learning as development: Rethinking international development in a changing world, Review of Wagner, D., book, International Review of Education
- Tuckett, A. (2017) If lifelong learning is so good, why don’t more adults join in? Government Office for Science: Foresight
- Tuckett, A. (2017) Lifelong learning helps people, governments and business. Why don't we do more of it? World Economic Forum Agenda
- Tuckett, A. (2017) Festival of learning is needed now as much as ever Learning and Work Insitute
- Tuckett, A. (2017) A case for lifelong learning The Gleaner
- Tuckett, A. (2017) Motivation is key to persuading adults back to learning Today Online