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Events at the Education Observatory

We hold regular events, workshops and conferences. Please see the details for each event and enquire if you would like to attend.

Openings: an invitation to thinking in Education

When: Thursday 15th April 2021
Where: Zoom
Booking: Via Eventbrite

This is the first in a series of monthly meetings in which everyone who is interested is invited to come and talk about thinking, theory and criticality in relation to Education. It aims to introduce, discuss, challenge and demystify texts, philosophies and ideas. Five speakers - Pete Bennett, Stuart Connor, Sarah Hayes, Michael Jopling, and Sally Riordan - will get things going by talking for 5 minutes each as openings for discussion. All interested students and colleagues are welcome.

Annual IOE Conference 

When: Friday 18th June 2021
Where: Online

Check back here for more details soon! We are currently accepting abstracts for the conference, if you are interested please email your abstract to

Q-Methodology Special Interest Group

When: Thursday 29th April 2021
Where: MS Teams
Booking: Via Eventbrite

Q-methodology is a way of thinking about research that focuses on providing subjectivity to participants. The methodology investigates the complexity in different participant's positions on a given subject where differences of opinion are expected. Q-methodology involves participants sorting a set of statements onto a distribution grid, shaped as a reversed pyramid. Factor analysis is used to group participant's based on commonalities in their perspectives. The Education Observatory used Q-methodology in the evaluation of the Headstart programme.


Reflections on Inclusion & Diversity in Higher Education

When: Thursday 1st July 2021
Where: Online
Booking: Via Eventbrite

This seminar celebrates 2 recent edited collections by Brendan Bartram and Zeta Williams-Brown from the Education Observatory, University of Wolverhampton. Contributors from the books will present their work on different aspects of inclusion and diversity. Please see the Eventbrite for a list of speakers.

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