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Our Publications

Our Publications

Publications from The Centre for Film Media Discourse and Culture

  • Geal, R. (2018) Animated Images and Animated Objects in the Toy Story franchise: Reflexively and Intertextually Transgressive Mimesis, Animation 13(1), pp. 69-84.
  • Halligan, B. (2018) ‘This is Father Berrigan Speaking from the Underground’: Daniel Berrigan SJ and the Conception of a Radical Theatre, TDR: The Drama Review, 62(2), pp. 97-114.
  • Jacobs, S. (2007) Virtually sacred: The performance of asynchronous cyber-rituals in online spaces, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 12(3), pp.1103-1121.
  • Jacobs, S. (2018) A Life in Balance: Sattvic Food and the Art of Living Foundation, Religions, 10(1), pp. 1-16.
  • Pawlett, W. (1997) Utility and excess: The radical sociology of Bataille and Baudrillard, Economy and Society 26(1), pp. 92-125.
  • Pawlett, W. (2018) The Sacred, Heterology and Transparency: Between Bataille and Baudrillard, Theory, Culture and Society, 35(4-5), pp. 175-191.
  • Pheasant-Kelly, F. (2016) Towards a Structure of Feeling: Abjection and Allegories of Disease in Science Fiction 'Mutation' Films, BMJ Medical Humanities, 42(4), pp. 238-245. EDITOR’S CHOICE FREE ACCESS

  • Andrews, E., S. Hockenhull and F. Pheasant-Kelly (eds.) (2015) Behind the Screen Door
  • Attah, T., M. Duffett and B. Halligan (eds.) (2018) Stories We Could Tell: Putting Words to American Popular Music, London: Routledge.
  • Edgar, R., K. Fairclough-Isaacs and B. Halligan (eds.) (2013) The Music Documentary: Acid Rock to Electropop, London: Routledge.
  • Edgar, R., K. Fairclough-Isaacs, B. Halligan and N. Spelman (eds.) (2015) The Arena Concert: Music, Media and Mass Entertainment, London: Bloomsbury.
  • Geal, R. (2019) Anamorphic Authorship in Canonical Film Adaptations: A Case Study of Shakespearean Films, London: Palgrave.
  • Geal, R. (2021) Ecological Film Theory and Psychoanalysis: Surviving the Environmental Apocalypse in Cinema, London: Routledge.
  • Goddard, M., and B. Halligan (eds.) (2010) Mark E. Smith and the Fall: Art, Music and Politics, London: Ashgate
  • Goddard, M., B. Halligan and N. Spelman (eds.) (2013) Resonances: Noise and Contemporary Music, London: Bloomsbury.
  • Goddard, M., B. Halligan and Paul Hegarty (eds.) (2012) Reverberations: The Philosophy, Aesthetics and Politics of Noise, London: Continuum.
  • Halligan, B. (2003) Michael Reeves, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Halligan, B. (2016) Desires for Reality: Radicalism and Revolution in Western European Film, New York: Berghahn Books.
  • Hockenhull, S. and F. Pheasant-Kelly (eds.) (2021) Tim Burton’s Bodies: Gothic, Animated, Corporeal and Creaturely, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Jacobs, S. (2015) The Art of Living Foundation: Spirituality and Wellbeing in the Global Context, London: Routledge.
  • Pawlett, W. (2007) Jean Baudrillard – Against Banality, London: Routledge.
  • Pawlett, W. (2015) Georges Bataille: The Sacred and Society, London: Routledge.
  • Pawlett, W. (2016) Violence, Society and Radical Theory: Bataille, Baudrillard and Contemporary Society, London: Routledge.
  • Pawlett, W. (2021) Society, Profanation and Filth, London: Routledge.
  • Pheasant-Kelly, F. (2013) Abject Spaces in American Cinema: Institutional Settings, Identity and Psychoanalysis in Film, London: IB Tauris.
  • Pheasant-Kelly, F. (2013) Fantasy Film Post-9/11, London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Fox, B. (2019) Loneliness and Social Media: A Qualitative Investigation of Young People’s Motivations for Use, and Perceptions of Social Networking Sites in Fox, B. (ed.) Emotions and Loneliness in a Networked Society, London: Palgrave, pp. 309-331. (Following this publication, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission ( has sought advice from Fox regarding loneliness in terms of policy actions).
  • Geal, R. (2018) Dialogism’s radical texts, and the death of the radical vanguard critic, in Cutchins, D., Krebs, K., Voigts, E. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Adaptation. London: Routledge, pp. 80-86.
  • Halligan, B. (2016) Mind Usurps Program: Virtuality and the ‘New Machine Aesthetic’ of Electronic Dance Music, in S. Whiteley and S. Rambarran (eds.) Oxford University Press of Virtual Music, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.529-550.
  • Hernandez M. and J. Lugo-Ocando (2016) Public Relations and Humanitarian Communication: From Persuasion to the Creation of a Community of Equals, in J. L’Etang, D. Mckie, N. Snow and J. Xifra (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations, London: Routledge, pp. 225-234.
  • S. (2019) Close Encounters of a Guru Kind: Ethnographic Research as Encounters with the Cognitive World of Others, in G. Chryssides and S. Gregg (eds.) The Insider/Outsider Debate: New Perspectives in the Study of Religion, Sheffield: Equinox, pp. 213-235.
  • Nichols, P. (2016) Reframing Fahrenheit 451: Ray Bradbury’s Dramatic Responses to Francois Truffaut, in J. Eller and P. Nichols (eds.) New Ray Bradbury Review, Kent: Kent State University Press, pp. 102-114.
  • Pheasant-Kelly, F. (2015) Between Setting and Character: A Taxonomy of Sentient Spaces in Fantasy Film, in C. Pallant (ed.) Animated Landscapes, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 179-195. WINNER OF MCLAREN-LAMBERT AWARD FOR BEST BOOK ON ANIMATION (2017)
  • Urbina, M. L. (2018) Tales of Migration from the Global South: The Civilized and Uncivilized Migrant in the Narratives of La Tercera and El Mercurio, in E. Balica and V. Marinescu (eds.) Migration and Crime: Realities and Media Representations. New York: Palgrave, pp. 109-138.

Dr Rebecca Harrison: Through the Cracks in the Mask: Gender, Race and Queerness in the Star Wars Universe (2020)

Dr Benjamin Halligan:  Britflicks Podcast - 5 Great Michael Reeves Moments In Film (2020)

Dr Benjamin Halligan: Diva Symposium (2019)

Dr Phil Nichols: BBC World Service programme, Ray Bradbury: A Master of Science Fiction (2020)  

Dr Phil Nichols with Jeffrey Kahan:  ‘Phil Nichols and I talk Bradbury, Bloch, and Pink's Hotdogs’ (2020)

Dr Phil Nichols:  Bradbury 100 Live (2020)

Dr Fran Pheasant-Kelly with Dr Chris Holliday and Alex Sargeant: Fantasy Animation Podcast - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2020)

Drs Stephen Jacobs, Robert Geal and Nicola Allen: Ecotopias (2021)