
Key Databases

Education Research Complete is the definitive online resource for education research. Topics covered include all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. Education Research Complete provides indexing and abstracts for more than 2,100 journals, as well as full text for more than 1,200 journals, and includes full text for nearly 500 books and monographs.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

TES provides access to over 900,000 teacher-made resources to help teachers succeed in the classroom including access to TES Magazine, formerly known as the Times Education Supplement. The TES site supports the English national curriculum and other English language curricula including International Baccalaureate and Cambridge International in UK and international schools. It is one of the largest professional digital communities, connecting and supporting more than 13 million educators globally.

PLEASE NOTE: To access TES you will need to register for an account using your University email address. See our FAQ for details on how to register -

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Additional databases

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is U.S. database indexing over 1.6 million education journals, literature and resources. Backed by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it also includes over 750,000 full-text sources.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A comprehensive sociology research database, featuring over 1,600,000 records and full text of over 253 "core" coverage journals. Part of the EBSCO Host research databases.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Web Pages

Department for Education
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children's services.

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They regulate and inspect to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages. (Includes Inspection Reports and publications)

Office for National Statistics
Includes Statistics on Education & Training with regional and social trends

TES Connect
Space for teachers to share free learning materials including lesson plans, activities, games, teaching ideas and worksheets.

National Curriculum
The National Curriculum website contains the statutory programmes of study and attainment targets for key stages 1-4 in England.

Scholastic Education PLUS
Resource Banks for Early Years and Primary – follow link to obtain password for these materials for use in nursery and school settings.