Third-party Content
Any material you include in your thesis which was created by someone else is referred to as third-party content and is likely to be copyrighted. In many cases, you will need to request permission to use the material.
Third party content includes:
- any content that you did not create yourself. This may be from books, journals, websites or archives and includes: text, images, photos, maps, charts and diagrams
- any content that you created where you have agreed to transfer or assign copyright to a publisher or funder
TIP: Record details of requesting permission to use copyrighted materials as you go - it can take time to obtain the necessary copyright clearance. Be sure to keep any letters or emails you receive granting you permission to use copyrighted material.
Here’s an example of how you could record the information Example of Permissions Table (Word doc 18k)
If you do not obtain permission to include the material you will need to look for alternatives or you will have to redact (blank out) it from the e-version of your thesis.
If you are not sure whether you can copy/use something – find an alternative.
If in doubt - don't copy!
Next: 1. Can I use the material under a copyright ‘exception’?
Image Credits
Books: by congerdesign under CC0 licence from