Developments in Open Research April 2024
This month’s blogpost is a chance to catch up with some of the recent news in the area of Open Research.
- REF2029 Open Access Policy Consultation opens
The proposed REF2029 Open Access Policy has been unveiled for consultation with institutions, groups and individuals. The consultation will allow feedback on the changes ahead of confirmation of the terms of the new policy in summer or autumn of 2024. The proposals address issues raised around the bureaucracy involved in REF processes, as well as a desire to progress the adoption of open access to publications in the UK Higher Education sector.
The proposed policy would feature changes to the criteria for compliance of journal articles and conference papers, including halving the time articles are allowed to be embargoed for, changing the licence required for sharing from CC BY-NC-ND to CC BY or CC BY-ND, as well as removal of the requirement to deposit in a repository within 3 months of acceptance (changed to a requirement to share on either a green or gold open access basis within 6 or 12 months of publication). Exceptions to policy will be provided for when authors are unable to meet the criteria, but these will not be the same as REF2021 policy. N.B. proposed changes would only impact articles published from 1 Jan 2025, articles published prior to this would be subject to the existing REF2021 policy.
In addition, it is proposed that monographs, book chapters and edited collections will have an open access requirement, with sharing required within 24 months of publication on either green or gold open access basis. These requirements would come into effect from 1 Jan 2026 if confirmed, with a range of exceptions to the policy available where authors were unable to meet the criteria.
Announcement of the proposals have been the subject of much discussion on social media, particularly about the issues around requiring open access for monographs. If you have thoughts about the changes, the consultation is open until 17 June 2024. You could help shape REF policy.
- Extra opportunities to publish open access articles
Since the beginning of 2024, the library has been signing new agreements with publishers around providing access to journals, but also in terms of covering publishing costs. Our new deals with Wiley and Taylor and Francis have increased the titles available to publish in from just hybrid journals to also include fully open access articles. We have also added agreements that cover open access costs when publishing with SAGE and Oxford University Press. Check our gold open access webpage for more details of what is covered and how to access the deals.
- Open Research Canvas course
We have launched a new Open Research course in Canvas. At present the course features modules on open access and data management planning, with more to follow. Staff and students are welcome to enrol on the course at any time. The course is self-directed, with opportunities for self-assessment on your knowledge of the topics. It also includes recordings of other open research workshops we have delivered through the Doctoral College.
- Data management template for unfunded researchers
The Scholarly Communications team have created a template for unfunded UoW researchers to use for their data management planning, which is available via DMP Online. DMP Online includes a number of templates for funded researchers, but this template includes UoW specific guidance.
- UKRN open research train the trainer opportunities
UKRN have a schedule of events designed to introduce researchers to open research opportunities and then cascade that training to others in the institution. Subjects include open scholarship, data management planning and more. Some courses are free, while others have a cost attached. Funding routes are available, contact the Scholarly Communications Team for more information.
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.