New fiction collection added to LibrarySearch
If you’re tired of wading through dull textbooks, why not give yourself a break and pick up a spine-chilling thriller or a gothic romance instead? Our new LibrarySearch Fiction Collection brings together over 1,000 contemporary and classic novels, located at Harrison, Walsall and Telford Libraries.
You’ll find cult novels, science-fiction, fantasy, crime, mystery fiction and many others, all listed online and displaying their book covers.
You can search by author, title, genre or simply browse through the collection. When you find something that you’d like to read, just click through and place a request, and we’ll email you when it’s ready to pick up at your chosen library.
LibrarySearch Collections are a way to bring together groups of similar resources into a more easily browsable format. As well as the Fiction collection, LibrarySearch also offers a Children’s Online Library and a Curriculum Resources Collection.
Good reading!
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