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The Self Awareness element is a key component of the Silver Wolverhampton Enterprise and Employability Award (WEEA). It will allow you to explore and assess your personal attributes that relate to your employability (E.g. skills, qualities, values, motivations, behaviours, knowledge, interests and experiences).

Becoming more self- aware can help you to identify your strengths as well as the areas you need to develop.  Developing self-awareness will also help you to understand how you make decisions, how you prefer to learn and interact with others, as well as gain an understanding of how you might be perceived by others. Improving your self-awareness can help you to identify a potential career, industry or organisation that may be suited to your strengths and interests and support you to effectively promote your strengths through various stages of a recruitment process.  

The Silver WEEA is embedded into almost all university courses, so at some point during your studies you will have the opportunity to complete the self- awareness element as part of your course. The specific point at which you will do this depends on your particular course: for some courses, Silver award elements are embedded at level 4 whereas for others they are embedded at level 5 or 6.  

You may like to complete the Silver award independently from your course. For instance, maybe you want to obtain the award at your own pace rather than waiting for the opportunity through your course. Or maybe you did the Silver award elements early on in your course and you would like to revisit them because your career ideas and plans have moved on. If you would like to complete this element independently you can do this via our Canvas course. There you can find full instructions, guidance and resources. You can also submit your work to us for consideration.   

The exact brief for the self- awareness element will depend on the way it is embedded in your course. Generally, you are likely to be asked to complete assessments which help you to identify your personal attributes, including skills audits and other career assessments. You will also complete an activity which will allow you to analyse your personal attributes in relation to your employability. This might include a skills analysis or setting some career goals 

If you complete this element independently you can choose from the following: 

Part 1. Complete an activity from the options below which will help you to identify your personal attributes in relation to your employability  

  • Skills Audit 
  • Complete two career self-assessments which assess a range of personal attributes 

Part 2. Complete an activity from the options below which will analyse your strengths and weaknesses in relation to your employability  

  • Career SWOT Analysis 
  • Skills Analysis 

These are the learning outcomes for the self-awareness element: 

  1. Identify personal attributes to increase self-awareness  
  1. Analyse your personal attributes in relation to your personal and career development  
  1. Understand the relevance of self-awareness when career planning  

If you are completing this task independently from your course, full resources and instructions are available on our Canvas topic.   

If you are completing this task through your course, speak to your module tutor for help or contact Some of the resources available on our Canvas topic may also be helpful.   

There are a wealth of interactive resources available on CareerSPACE, our careers information portal where you can access interactive tools, videos and e-learning. See