Wolverhampton Local Offer Home Learning Page
The Wolverhampton Local Offer Home Learning webpage offers resources and advice on how to support your child at home.
The resources available from the webpage are relevant to all ages and abilities.
- there are links to general internet resources and also specialist services in Wolverhampton who support children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and may be able to offer additional advice.
- you will find resources on academic subjects, for example English and Maths.
- there are links to creative and cultural opportunities for your child at home.
- there is a section to access links to 'virtual school' resources
- educational movies, shows and YouTube Channels
- links to resources for staying active and healthy
Find out more about what is on offer
Wolverhampton Local Offer Home Learning webpage
If your child is worried or anxious about coronavirus, there are specific links for resources to help by clicking on Wolverhampton City Council's 'Coronavirus advice and information' webpage.
Our Location
The Wolverhampton Local Offer Home Learning webpage is part of the city's Wolverhampton Information Network which is a free online directory containing details about support services, helpful information and activities that take place in the city. This is part of the City of Wolverhampton Council services.
Contact Us
Wolverhampton Information Network
Email: Webmaster@wolverhampton.gov.uk
By Post:
City of Wolverhampton Council
Communications Team
First Floor, Civic Centre
University of Wolverhampton - STEM Response Team (science, technology, engineering and maths)
The University of Wolverhampton's STEM response team is an award winning outreach and public engagement team from the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE).
Our STEM response team mission is to bring fantastic science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) activities to children and families, schools and the community spaces across the West Midlands and country as a whole.
The STEM response team have developed a range of resources available online that support home learning for all ages.
Find out more about what we offer
Our Location
University of Wolverhampton
Wulfruna Street
Contact Us
Phone: 01902 321402
Email: STEMOutreach@wlv.ac.uk