Photography for beginners
This course provides a strong foundation for photography enthusiasts as well as beginners, enabling you to sharpen your skills and bettering your practice.
You will be fully supported and will have the opportunity to develop your own personal practice.
- Consider the basics of digital photographic practice.
- Explore the fundamental knowledge of photography techniques and key elements of this method of image-making.
- The course is practice based with specific projects from week to week.
- Each class will include a crit session where you will be encouraged to share your photos and receive feedback, as well as form options about other students’ work.
- You will be guided through the course, assistance will be offered to beginners, and more in depth advice to more experienced photographers.
DATE: April 2022
TIME: 6pm - 9pm (Monday) - 10 weeks
LOCATION: Stafford Regional Learning Centre
Participants are required to bring their own DSLR camera or an alternative digital camera as long is has a manual mode for adjusting aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.
Book your place on the course here:
Contact us on: 01785-247622
or pop in to the Regional Learning Centre
at 2A Staffordshire Place, Stafford. ST16 2LP
£260 inc VAT