Mr Anthony Marsh
University of Wolverhampton Pro-Chancellor
Anthony is Chief Executive Officer of the Regional West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust and East England Ambulance Service NHS Trust.
He started his Ambulance Service career in Essex in 1987 and qualified as an Ambulance Paramedic in 1990. He took up his current role in 2006.
In 2011, Anthony was decorated with the Order of St John. He was elected Chair of the Association of Air Ambulances and is lead for the National Ambulance Resilience Board. In January 2014, Anthony was announced as a recipient of the Queen's Ambulance Service Medal (QAM) within Her Majesty's New Year's Honours List.
On behalf of the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, Anthony holds the National Portfoilo for Emergency Planning, Response and Resilience. He is also lead for Ambulance Service Olympic Planning and a Regional and National Cadre Gold Commander.
Anthony was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University in 2012. He was inaugurated as a Pro-Chancellor in September 2015.