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Academic Regulations

University of Wolverhampton Academic Regulations 2021-22 (Word doc 72k)

University Academic Regulations 2020 - 2021

Addendum to regulations for students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

Approved by Academic Board on Wednesday 17 June 2020


The University’s Academic Board has approved some changes to the Academic Regulations for undergraduate degrees, which are designed to support more students to progress. We are implementing these revised regulations with immediate effect, because they are clearly advantageous to all students. Our aim is to enable more students to progress with their original cohort rather than having to repeat failed modules with a new cohort group.

The University’s previous regulations stipulate that students who have failed more than 20 credits (one standard module) at one level of their course cannot progress to the next level, but must repeat their failed modules on a part-time basis before they can proceed. This inevitably means that they will fall behind their original cohort. The new regulations will permit students to progress with twice this amount of failed credits (up to 40 credits, normally two standard modules). Students will be provided with a personalised timetable whereby they will retake their failed modules (with a new group) whilst continuing to study the majority of their new modules together with their original cohort. We hope and expect that this will make for higher levels of continuation and shorter delays to final completion.

In addition, we are increasing the amount of flexibility we award for marginal fails. Where our previous regulations permitted compensation of a marginal fail for only 20 credits (one standard module), and 40 credits overall throughout a degree, the revised regulations will compensate up to 40 credits per level for module marks between 35% and 39%. Put simply, this means that you can marginally fail two modules per level and be awarded a ‘compensated pass’, so you do not have to retake these modules. The exception to this is at Level 6 (final year) when you can only be compensated in one marginal fail (20 credits).

If you have any questions regarding these changes to the Academic Regulations and how they affect your studies, please contact your Faculty Student Office or the Students Union, who will be able to advise you. 

The revised Academic Regulations are available in full above.  Please scroll down for FAQs.


Archived Academic Regulations

Archived: University Academic Regulations 2019-2020

Archived: University Academic Regulations 2018-2019 (Word doc 350k)

Archived: University Academic Regulations 2017-18

Archived: Academic Regulations 2016-2017 (PDF) (PDF)

Archived Academic Regulations Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 (PDF) (PDF)




Archived Research Degree Regulations 


Changes to the Academic Regulations 2019 - FAQs



The new regulations regarding level progression and compensation will be applied in August 2019 to affect student progression into the next academic year.

They apply to all new and continuing undergraduate students, but not postgraduates. For Integrated Masters programmes, the changes will apply through Levels 4 to 6, but not Level 7 modules.

No. The policy change not to cap resit marks at Levels 3 (Foundation Year) and Level 4 (First Year of Degree) will not apply until next academic year and historical marks will not change.

No, maximum registration periods are unchanged.

Student funding should not be adversely affected. The student finance regulations grant a certain number of years’ funding (regardless of whether a student is repeating modules) and one aim of the changes is to facilitate students completing their degree without unnecessary delay.

For all classes from September onwards, following completion of the University’s Timetabling Project, your personalised timetable on MyWLV will show all the modules and teaching sessions you need to attend. For example, if you fail an assessment at the end of Semester 1, additional support sessions to prepare for reassessment on that module will appear on your personalised timetable.

No, your modules will be allocated to you in accordance with an automated sequence and taking account of scheduling and any prerequisites. However, you will be able to change the optional modules allocated to you where you wish to do so as long as it is within the allowed timeframe.  

For January starters, the new regulations around level progression and compensation will be applied at the next level progression point – January 2020. Resit marks at Levels 3 and 4 over the coming twelve months (Jan 2019 – Jan 2020) will be subject to the new regulations, i.e. they will not be capped provided you gain a minimum mark of 20% in your first attempt. January starters will have a third sit for their second semester modules instead of their first semester modules.

For 2019/20 onwards, some changes are also being made to the regulations governing extenuating circumstances, but these do not apply before September 2019. Further information will be provided on this at the start of the next academic year.

No. because year-long modules have no ratified mark after the first semester, you will have a maximum of two sits per year on these modules.

If you wish to seek approval to take additional credits, you should contact your Faculty Student Services Office. However for 2019/20, as part of the transitional arrangements, all students who have failed only one module (20 credits) will have this permission granted automatically and will be registered for a total of 140 credits. Students who have failed two modules (40 credits) will be registered for a mixed diet capped at 120 credits.

If you need any further advice or information you can contact your Faculty Student Services Office. Contact details are available.