Independent Governor
1st Term of Office
Elaine graduated from Cambridge University with an MA CANTAB in Medical Sciences and entered the business world, qualifying as a Chartered Accountant ACA 3 years later. After a short stint as an auditor, she moved into corporate finance, specialising in advising management teams in Management Buy-Outs and Buy-Ins. During this period, she established herself as a deal originator and doer, structuring and obtaining funding from numerous banks and venture capitalist. In 1998, she became Corporate Finance Partner in Robson Rhodes.
In 2004, after the birth of her two sons, she left the corporate finance world and joined a client as Finance Director. This was the start of her journey at gbpartnerships. As Finance Director, she raised over £300m of project finance, funding the development of 36 medical centres.
Elaine is now CEO of gbpartnerships group. She sits on the Board of 30 SPV and group companies. She leads a team of over 70 people in a multifaceted business, focussing on asset and project management, consultancy services, property development and investment in primary care estate, the wider health and social care sector, retail, and housing developments. Gbpartnerships currently manage and deliver management services to a health estate worth over £800m.
Elaine has been a member of the LIFT Council since 2006 and interacts with DHSC, parliamentarians and other Government Officials promoting the contribution of LIFT companies in primary, community and social care.
In 2019, she won the Forward Ladies National Awards, Midlands Corporate Leader category.