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Meet the Board

Membership of the Board of Governors

Under the University's Instrument of Government (section 3) the Board must consist of no less than twelve and no more than twenty four members. Of the appointed members:

  • up to thirteen shall be independent members
  • at least one academic staff member and one professional services member
  • up to two may be students of the university nominated by the students
  • at least one and not more than nine shall be co-opted members. At least one of this number shall be a person who has experience in the provision of education.

A determination of numbers was last undertaken on the 30th June 2021 at the Board of Governors. 

The Membership of the governing body is set out below. 

A list of Governor interests for the academic year can be found on the interest of the board page.

Independent Governors

As per the University's Instrument of Government, Independent Members shall be persons with experience of, and to have show capacity in, industrial, commercial or employment matters or the practice of any profession. 

Co-opted Governors

The University's co-opted Governors are:

Student Governors

Co-opted Members

Co-opted Members are not governors of the university but are co-opted to sub-committees and the Board as they possess a specific skill or expertise, and are usually appointed for a term of office of three years.