Welcome from the Chair
I am delighted to welcome you to governance at the University of Wolverhampton. The below links describe the way in which governance operates at the University and provides information on the Board’s powers, membership and new decisions made.
The University of Wolverhampton prides itself in its educational roots. Since its earliest days in the mid-nineteenth century, the University has had the purpose of providing further and higher education to as many people in the community, having the motivation and academic ability to do so well. The Board of Governors is proud to ensure this tradition strives today.
Kim Carr
Interim Chair of the Board of Governors
Further information about the governing body can be found using the links below:
Duties and Powers
Discover the duties and powers of the Board and the responsibilities involved.
Discover the current Board of Governors and Co-opted Members.
Discover the Sub-Committees of the Board of Governors, delegated to report to the Board.
Meeting Dates
Discover the calendar of meetings.
Page updated: 25/03/22 governance@wlv.ac.uk